Plant Diversity II: Evolution of Seed Plants AP Biology Crosby High School
Evolution of Seed Plants Evolution of Seed Plants Gametophyte becomes dependent on Sporophyte Seed: packaged sporophyte embryo w/ food supply in protective coat Seed plants are heterosporous Ovule –Female gametophyte develops inside and produce egg –When fertilized by sperm zygote becomes sporophyte and creates seed
Gymnosperms Ginkgophyta Phylum Cycadophyta: resemble palms Phyum Gnetophyta: –Welwitschia: giant strap like leaves –Gnetum: tropical trees and vines –Ephedra: (Mormon tea) shrub in American desert Phylum Coniferophyta Phylum Coniferophyta
Angiosperms All are phylum Anthophyta Monocot, dicot, or eudicot Tracheid, vessel elements, fiber cells Tracheid, vessel elements, fiber cells Flower: angiosperm reproductive structure –4 circles of modified leaves 4 circles of modified leaves4 circles of modified leavesSepalsPetalsStamensCarpel
Fruit Mature ovary Types: –Simple fruit –Aggregate fruit –Multiple fruit Dispersal: –Burrs –Edible fruit
Angiosperm Life Cycle Angiosperm Life Cycle Some self-pollinate, others ensure cross- pollination One sperm fuses w/ egg, the other with 2 central nuclei After Double Fertilization –Zygote develops into sporophyte –Triploid nucleus creates endosperm
Life Cycle Life Cycle
Xylem Cells
Parts of a Flower
Conifer Life Cycle Conifer Life Cycle
Gametophyte to Sporophyte