So you want to teach a hybrid course? Debbie Blair and Lisa Ciardulli
Opportunities and Challenges Best of both worlds Students learn about the technologies they will need in the real world. Regular face-to-face time for interaction and rapport building Potential for increased learning (DOE mega-study) Rethinking your current course design Managing dual learning environments Preparing learners for the blended approach
Metric% of Direct Instruction Online Definition Online Course80-100%Most often, all course components can be completed online or off-campus; however there may be some face-to-face requirements such as proctored testing, labs, an orientation, etc. Hybrid/Blended30-79%Typically, 50% of the course takes place in a classroom and 50% of the instruction takes place online. However, some courses vary. Web-enhanced/Web-assisted0-29%Usually there is no reduced seat time at all and the entire course takes place in the classroom, but the course contains online components to supplement learning. What is a hybrid course and how does it differ from a traditional or online course?
How Much Time? A traditional 3-credit course is 45 instructional (in-class) hours (or roughly 3 hours per week). The average amount of homework is an additional 3 hours per week (another 45 hours total). Students spend 6 hours per week on a typical class, or 90 hours total. That same class in a hybrid format should take 90 hours to complete. There should still be 45 hours of instructional time.
Planning What are your learning objectives or outcomes? What learning objectives are better served in person, and what can be accomplished online just as easily? Design activities that keep the students engaged and motivated – both in class and online (CT3 can help). Communicate!!! It is critical that students know it is a hybrid course and what the expectations are.
F2F/Classroom (Synchronous) Introduce a new/difficult concept in a mini-lecture Conduct formative assessments to check for understanding Participate in small group activities Complete hands-on lab work Provide tutorials to work through problem sets Hold debates Deliver student presentations Review for tests Provide individual or group feedback on assignments Provide time to work on group projects
Online (Asynchronous) Lecture notes Threaded discussions Web resources to review Case studies Simulations and virtual field trips Writing assignments Application of theory to personal experiences Online study forums Guest speakers Narrated PowerPoints Wikis to collectively compile knowledge Self-assessment quizzes Tests
Activity Complete the Hybrid Class Planning Worksheet using your syllabus and course schedule. List learning objectives List all activities/assignments with type of activity and approx. amount of total time for term Decide which activities should be done in class, which can be done online. Add the total hours, direct instruction, and homework for in-class and online activities. Do you have enough direct instruction online?
Share Ideas What best practices do you use in your online teaching? What best practices do you use in your face-to- face teaching? What other CT3 workshops may help?