The key to successful addition and subtraction is a solid understanding of place value and number bonds. Year 3 – fluent in bonds to 10 and 20, and use this to derive other facts over 100. PV to Year 4 – using known bonds to derive other facts, over PV to Year 5/6 - using known bonds to derive other facts, including decimals.
ADDITION – Mental Strategies Counting on (by partitioning the second number and counting on; +100, +50) Partitioning ( =700, 50+60=110, 6+2=8) Adjusting (by adding 200 and subtracting 1) Using know number facts = 107 so =6107 Estimating is approximately
ADDITION - Partitioning = ? = ? = 87
ADDITION - Partitioning = ? = ? = ? = 387
ADDITION – Moving towards column method using manipulatives =
ADDITION – Moving towards column method = H T U = 372
ADDITION – Expanded column addition = H T U units 60 tens 300 hundreds 372
ADDITION – Expanded column addition = H T U units tens hundreds00 387
ADDITION – Expanded column addition = H T U
ADDITION – condensed column addition =
ADDITION – Condensed column addition =
ADDITION – Expanded column addition =
SUBTRACTION – Mental strategies Counting back 564 – 150 (by partitioning the second number and counting back; -100, -50) Counting up 607 – 288 (by counting up from 288, bridging the hundreds boundary; +12, + 300, +7) Adjusting 1487 – 199 (by subtracting 200 and adding 1) Using know number facts =400 so =6400 Estimating is approximately
SUBTRACTION – Number lines 343 – 170 = ? 72 – 36 = ?
SUBTRACTION – Moving towards expanded column method with no decomposition = ? T U
SUBTRACTION – Moving towards expanded column method with decomposition = ? T U T U
SUBTRACTION – Moving towards expanded column method with decomposition.
SUBTRACTION – condensed column method with out decomposition
SUBTRACTION – condensed column method with decomposition