Helping your child with subtraction
Partitioning sets Seeing 12 as made up of 5 and 7
Take Away (counting back) Subtraction Find the difference (counting on)
Counting back/take away/reduction :
Practical subtraction: exchanging where necessary =
leading to or 6 7 Vertical subtraction
or 7 Vertical subtraction
leading to or Vertical subtraction
leading to or Vertical subtraction
Vertical subtraction: in the context of money
Finding the difference Using language such as ‘How many more?, ‘How much taller?’ and ‘ The difference between.
Finding the difference What is the difference between 12 and 17?
Finding the difference
How can you help Practical/real life opportunities for taking away and counting on (‘How many more?’). Letting your children become familiar with coins e.g. when shopping or to use in a pretend shop. Games where children can practise number facts, place value and subtraction.
Whoever has the difference closest to 1000 wins. Scoring A point for a win. The first person to reach 10 wins the game. Each player keeps a running total of their "penalty points", the difference between their result and 1000 after each round. First to 5000 loses. Dicey Operations