14 Wg ATC Procedures Captain Greg Miller FAS Briefing, 16 Oct 2016
1 Outline Overview of 14 Wg. Departure Procedures Arrival Procedures Special Procedures Questions
2 14 Wg Greenwood Rwy 08/26 – 8000’ x 200’ Rwy 12/30 – 8000’ x 200’
3 ARR Cables Distance to cables: East cable – 1473` from threshold Rwy26 West cable – 2739` from threshold Rwy 08
4 14 Wg Greenwood
5 Control Zone
6 VFR Training Areas
7 413 Sqn Parachute Areas
8 Military Terminal Control Unit (MTCU)
9 Frequencies Tower – Ground – ATIS – Terminal – CLX Delivery – PAR – 118.1
10 Departure Procedure Pilots are responsible for their own flight planning. Aircraft will call for taxi on Ground frequency (133.75) from FAS with: ATIS information, souls on board, “colour code”, whether IFR or VFR, and any ground run requirements.
11 Colour Codes Colour Codes: Red – unlicensed student with no instructor Yellow – less than 75 hours PIC Blue – greater than 75 hours PIC Green – an instructor engaged in flight training
12 Departure Procedure ATC will issue taxi instructions and open the gate. Taxi instructions shall contain a restriction to hold short Runway 30. This restriction shall be readback to Ground. Aircraft shall switch to Tower frequency while holding short of Runway 30. Taxi instructions shall contain an instruction for what the transponder code will be for the flight. Flying Club & FAS local ops – 0240 to 0247 Flying Club Solo Students – 0270 to 0277 As required
13 IFR Departure Procedure IFR Departures will contact Clearance Delivery on before calling for taxi. A departure into the “radar square” does not require a flight plan or pre-coordination. Airways will be issued on
14 Intersection Departures Intersection Departures may be requested by the pilot or initiated by ATC. Intersection departures are requested by the pilot on Taxiway Hotel on initial contact with Tower (119.5). ATC initiated intersection departures will be coordinated on taxi or once on Taxiway Hotel. Distances Remaining: a. Bravo & Rwy 08 – 3125 feet remaining, b. Bravo & Rwy 26 – 4875 feet remaining, c. Hotel & Rwy 12 – 4265 feet remaining, and d. Hotel & Rwy 30 – 3735 feet remaining.
15 VFR Departure The aircraft will report ready for departure with Tower on while holding short Runway 12/30. On the report the aircraft will state / request: to enter the VFR circuit, for operations in a VFR training area, for VFR departure away including the direction of flight, for an IFR departure,
16 VFR Arrival Aircraft will report in prior to entering the control zone and will be issued circuit joining instructions at that time. Initial contact will include the number of souls on board the aircraft. Request for non-active runway use should be made during the initial contact. ATC will close flight plans (pilots should still question it if they have not been told it is closed).
17 Circuits Light aircraft – 1100’ ASL or 1500’ ASL at night Left hand circuits unless otherwise coordinated Medium or heavy aircraft – 1500’ ASL Left hand circuits unless otherwise coordinated Fighter aircraft – 2000’ ASL Initial is 3 miles back “Break” away from the Tower
18 Land & Hold Short Ops Simultaneous landings or a concurrent landing and take-off on intersecting runways may be approved at the discretion of ATC. Only aircraft that are listed on an approved list may be offered the hold short. Restricted aircraft will be landing on Rwy 26 or 30. Stopping distances available; – Rwy 26 to intersection – 6300` – Rwy 30 to intersection – 6400`
19 Wake Turbulence
20 Wake Turbulence Waiver
21 EOD Area EOD(Explosive Ordinance Disposal) range is located north of the button Rwy 26 When active the following restrictions apply: –Minimum altitude over the range 1000`ASL –No Rwy 08 departures –Threshold for Rwy 26 will be displaced 1500` westward
22 Helo Ops If a helicopter pilot intends to land or take off from a non-manoeuvring area approved for that purpose, ATC will provide traffic and obstruction information; control instructions, if necessary; and inform the pilot that landing or takeoff will be at the pilot’s discretion. All arrival and departures will be via Runway 12/30 with a hover taxi to park. Apron parking and / or a FATO/TLOF inside of FAS is being assessed.
23 ATC Communication air traffic control clearance means an authorization issued by an air traffic control unit that authorizes an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit. air traffic control instruction means a directive issued by an air traffic control unit for air traffic control purposes. Whenever pilots receive and accept an ATC clearance, they shall comply with the clearance. If unable to comply with the clearance, pilots should immediately inform ATC since the controller will understand the acknowledgement of the clearance as indicating acceptance. A clearance will be identified by the use of some form of the word “clear” in its contents. An instruction will always be worded in such a manner as to be readily identified, although the word “instruct” will seldom be included. Pilots shall comply with and acknowledge receipt of all ATC instructions directed to and received by them, provided the safety of the aircraft is not jeopardized.
24 ATC Communication AT YOUR DISCRETION - Used to approve aircraft movement on any surface not visible from the control tower due to a physical obstruction other than weather phenomena, or on the non-manoeuvring area. Pilots are responsible for manoeuvring safely with respect to traffic or hazards encountered during the operation. ATC will provide information on known traffic or obstructions when possible. To emphasize the protection of active runways and to enhance the prevention of runway incursions, ATC is required to obtain a readback of runway “hold” instructions. As a good operating practice, taxi authorizations that contain the instructions “hold” or “hold short” should be acknowledged by the pilot by providing a readback or repeating the hold point
25 ATC Communication It should be remembered that air traffic control is predicated on known air traffic only and, when complying with clearances or instructions, pilots are not relieved of the responsibility of practicing good airmanship. Let ATC know !
26 Lost Comm Intentional NORDO arrival / departure – arranged through Tower. Unintentional NORDO arrival – follow procedures in CAP or AIM. Traffic Circuit – The pilot should approach the traffic circuit from the upwind side of the runway, join crosswind at circuit height abeam a point approximately midway between each end of the runway and join the circuit on the downwind leg. While within the circuit the pilot should conform to the speed and size of the circuit, maintaining a separation from aircraft ahead so that a landing can be made without overtaking it. If it is necessary for a flight to cross the airport prior to joining crosswind, this should be done at least 500 feet above circuit height, and descent to circuit height should be made in the upwind area of the active runway.
27 Lost Comm Final Approach – Before turning on final approach, a pilot shall check for any aircraft on a straight-in approach. Landing Clearance – Landing clearance will be given on final approach. If landing clearance is not received, the pilot shall, except in case of emergency, pull up and make another circuit. (Landing clearance may be withheld by the tower when there are preceding aircraft which have not landed or if the runway is occupied.)
28 Emergencies ATC will coordinate on-field / in flight emergencies. Fire Hall will follow an emergency aircraft to its parking spot. Fuel Spill Fuel Dump
29 Questions