Technological trends and sustainability policy in Russian cities Evgenij Pliseckij NRU HSE IRSUP Moscow -2016
Contents HSE’s Involvement in Smart City Development HSE’s сoncept of “Smart City” еxamples of сurrent рrojects
WORLD TRENDS – CITIES - RUSSIA translate innovation trends of development in the regions create a society of the new formation – "society of knowledge" set new demands to the quality of the urban environment, development of human capital
Smart City: from metaphors to models of development A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects* *The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Smart City The main strategic goal of implementing the concept of smart city is a sustainable, balanced and efficient growth of modern cities. The need to implement the concept of "Smart City" due to the need to change the approach to the development of modern Russian cities To solve the current problems requires a comprehensive approach, considering all of the factors in a close relationship The concept of "Smart City" applies not only to the territory of the official status of the city, but can include other territorial entities, such as the district, region, etc., for which the important role played by urban development model
HSE’s approach Умный город Smart governa nce Smart citizen Smart urban environ ment Smart mobility Smart economy Smart ecology the idea of complex development of the territory and the search for its main functions was carried out with the use of technology foresight, market research needs in different types of infrastructure, long term planning, analysis of challenges and opportunities
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2014
The potential of Russian cities for smart development
Technology trends of smart city development in Russia Technology of integrated management of the development and interaction of city economy and stakeholders Expansion of Internet of Everything, IoE Growing of Internet of things (IoT) Introduction of the platform big data management system Data transfer to cloud services Transition to the use of free software Introduction of personal digital identity (eID) Transition of public and municipal services in electronic form (eServices) Development of "Smart" technologies based on satellite Development of "Smart" technologies based on Artificial intelligence Technology of transformation approaches for the creation of urban environment and infrastructure development of territory Development of BIM technology Introduction of intelligence transport system Usage of robotics in the urban environment Development of resource and energy saving in the housing sector Usage of innovation technology in housing construction Expansion of using “smart” grids Transition to Sustainable (“green”) buildings Introduction of innovation technology of solid waste Introduction of smart systems in buildings Transition to sustainable planning of urban space and architecture of cities of the future level of development of technology in Russia
Weak signals of smart energy and transport development infrastructure in the Russia The level of impact in Russia Introduction of new technologies of generation, transmission, and backup power Formation of the free market of generation and distribution of electricity Emergence of Autonomous and/or alternative sources of generation of electric and heat energy in cities Use of cogeneration units at boiler houses Use of robotics and video equipment for diagnostics of engineering networks of housing and communal services Introduction of interactive "smart" systems for measuring resource consumption in buildings for consumers Creation of a network of charging stations for electric vehicles Introduction of CCTV and intelligent sensors to limit entrance to areas with high levels of pollution Use of automated Parking "smart parking" Innovative road Management of transport on the basis of satellite observations (GLONASS) Reducing energy consumption in buildings Building integrated PV
Weak Signals|Smart Cities
The main barriers to the development of "smart city" in Russia The dependence of the decisions taken by the previous development Technology "dead ends" Market barriers to efficient technology Technological backwardness, uneven development of territories Deficiency of available technologies Short-term investment horizons Uncertainty, risk The lack of financial opportunities, High "transaction costs", high original expenses The problem of opportunity costs Information asymmetry Low awareness Lack of knowledge and experience