Unit 7 British Education System 1.Introduction 2.History 3.The Present Education System 4.Higher Education
I. The purpose of education system in Britain: 1. To teach “the three R’s”---reading, writing and arithmetic, in other word, to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society 2. To socialise children---Children lean the rules and values they need to become good citizen, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.
II. The relationship between education and social class 1. Inequality in British education (1)Though the split of British middle and working class are about half and half, the opportunities of education are rather different. (2)The school tie is a clear marker of social class. 2. Good education guarantees a career (1)The right schools---particularly the famous boys’s public schools like Eton and Winchester. (2)The right universities---Oxford or Cambridge Uni. (3) The old boy’s network---an elite group of men who went to famous school and university together. Not only do they dominant government, but also they are very influential in banking, the media, the arts and education.
III. The influence of church on schooling 1.In the past Historically, education was voluntary and many of the schools that existed were set up by churches. 2. At present The influence of the church on schooling is still strong (1)Religious education was the only subject which the state insisted all schools teach their pupils (2) Daily prayers and singing hymns are still a regular part of school life. 3. Changes Christianity is no longer the only religion officially recognized. Some state-funded schools have Islamic religion as their creed.
IV. Major changes to British education system 1. Involvement of government (1) This change was brought by the Industrial revolution. The government decided to become increasingly involved in taking responsibility for the education of children. (2) In 1870 the government passed a law which called for government funded education. (3) By 1880, attandence at school for children between 5 and 10 was made compulsory rather than voluntary. (4) By the end of World War I, school leaving age was made 14.
2. The 1944 Education Act (1).Children would be admitted to schools not because of their certain social class or their parents’ wealth, but because of the abilities(meritocratic— merit 长处 ) they displayed. (2). All children were given the right to a free secondary education. (3). Main concern of British Education system is to make sure more children have access to a good education.
3. Introduction of comprehensive schools (1)In the 1960, comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country. (2)The introduction of comprehensive schools ended the division between grammar schools and vocational schools. 4. “The Great Education Debate” (1)In 1976, British education had a new controversy when the Labour party started “the Great Education Debate” about national standards and styles of teaching. (2)The labor government was concerned about the inadequate skill level of the labour force and called for an innovation of education.
5. National Curriculum in 1989 (1)All British children are required to study a certain subjects. (2)Children must all pass national test and schools are ranked according to the success of their pupils in reaching national target. (3)Practical decision-making was carried out by Local Education Authorities(LEAs), located at regional or city levels.
V. The Present Education System 1.Primary and secondary education system in the UK is compulsory---Children between 5 - 16 years old are obliged to attend school. 2.State schools, private schools and league tables State schools (1) State schools are funded by local and central government. (2) They provide free education for students and about 93% British children go to state schools. Private schools—independent schools (1) Independent schools are commonly called public schools, receiving their funding through private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance.
(3) These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are comparatively rich. Legal tables (1)Parents can choose between sending their children to state schools or private schools according to a system of “legal tables”. (2) “League tables”: comparative tables which rank schools according to public exam results, truancy rates, destinations of school leavers, etc.
3. Schooling stages and exams (1) Pre-primary schooling Up to the age 5, children may have some pre- primary schooling in nursery schools, daycare or play groups (2) Primary school Between the age of 5 to 11, pupils mainly attend state primary schools. (3) Secondary schools From 11 up to 19, students attend secondary schools. Comprehensive schools( 综合学校) and Grammar schools (文法学校)
(4) GCSE exams—General Certificate of Secondary Education 中学毕业证书考试 After 5 years of secondary education, at the age of 16, students sit their GCSE exams. (5) A-level exams 高级水平测试结业证书 After the GCSE exams, those who hope to attend university carry on their academic study in the 6 th for a further 2 years and then then sit A-levels exams. (6) GNVQs(General National Vocational qualifications) 国家专业资格证书 After the GCSE, those who decide not to go to university may take vocational training and sit GNVQs.
VI. Higher education 1.Fund for Higher education British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government and the only privately funded university in Britain is the University of Buckingham. 2. British Universities (1)Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12 th and 13 th centuries. (2)Scottish universities of St Andrews, Glasgow, Edinburgh can date from the 14 th and 15 th centuries. (3)The rest were founded in the 19 th and 20 th century. (4) By 1994, Britain had 83 universities.
3. Degree titles 学位 (1)First degree - Bachelor of Arts 文学士 BA or Bachelor of Science BSc 理学士 Courses are mainly full time and last 3 years, except in Scotland where they take 4 years. (2) Second degree—Master of Arts MA 文学硕士 or Master of Science MSc 理学硕士 (3) Third Degree Doctor of Philosophy 4. Open university The End