Course Information Ms. Nettleton Trimester 2
Welcome to English 11B! What to expect: -Short Stories -Non-fiction and the transcendentalists -Poetry- Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson -The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway -The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams -Persuasive Speech -College Essay- Personal Statement
Class Expectations- Be respectful! It is essential that each person in the room feel valued and supported by the other. Respect me, your classmates and the classroom. I will not hesitate to write you up or call home for excessive talking and off-task behavior. If I have to ask you to be quiet, respectful, appropriate, etc. 3 times in one class period, you will receive a detention.
Class Expectations- Be responsible! When the bell rings, you must be in your seat. Even if you are in the classroom, but not in your seat, you will be marked tardy and serve a 30 minute detention with me after school. I will dismiss you when we have finished learning. Work until the bell. There is no need to line up at the door like animals going off to be slaughtered.
Class Expectations- Be responsible for your learning. If you are absent, you missed something. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed. I will be happy to discuss what you missed with you at length before or after school. I will not discuss it with you during class.
Class Expectations- Be your Best! Hats/Jackets/Cell Phones/IPods/Ear buds/Any other electronic devices – are not permitted in class as they are distractions and interrupt the learning environment. Failure to comply will result in one warning. Failure to follow this direction will then result in me taking the item; it will need to be picked up in the attendance office at the end of the day.
Class Expectations- Student Privileges- I allow food and drinks in the classroom, however this is a privilege that can be revoked. Be sure this privilege does not become a distraction. Passes will be given out sparingly to ensure you are not missing any learning opportunities. However, if you must leave the room, wait for the right opportunity before asking to leave. Leave quickly and quietly. Run your errand. Come back promptly
Course Work You must complete the speech, papers, and tests in order to earn a grade in this class. Late Work- Major Assignments (speeches, projects, papers) are penalized 10% for each day they are late -What is the maximum grade a paper turned in 3 days late could receive? Daily Assignments/Homework turned in late can earn up to 65% of the full points.
Instructor Info- Ms. Nettleton I have a Moodle Page. Moodle is similar to ClassJump. Access Moodle at: -or- At the PHS Website- under Moodle or under the English Teacher’s Page- click on my website
Questions-- About the course? About me? About…
Essential Questions: Trimester 2 Spirit of the Individual What does it mean to be an individual? How does group membership affect individuality? What is a national identity? How does literature help to create, support, and undermine identity? How does a reader’s personal identity affect the way he or she responds to literature?
Table Partner Introductions- Talk to the person next to you— Introduce yourself What was the best part of English last trimester? What has been the highlight of your school year? What are 3 things that make you an individual? What is your goal for this class during Trimester 2? Introduce your partner to the group. Include the following: his/her name, some of his/her hobbies/individualities, his/her goal.
Homework- Write a ½ page letter addressed to Ms. Nettleton that addresses all of the following questions: How did you do last trimester? Who was your teacher? What was a unit you enjoyed (nothing is not an acceptable answer)? What grade would you like to earn in this class? How are you planning on earning your grade? Is there anything else you want me to know about you?