Parts of Speech, Subjects, Verbs, and Complements Review for Exam
8 parts of speech Noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection
Sentences 2 requirements for a complete sentence Subjects Verb/Verb Phrases---action, linking and any helping verbs Can be compound
Subjects Natural Order Inverted Order – Prep. Phrase leading sentences – Here and There – Questions Understood (you)
Verbs and Verb Phrases Transitive and Intransitive Don’t forget helping verbs Distinguishing between action and linking verbs
Complements DO IO PN PA
Diagramming Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Sentences with adjectives and adverbs Sentences with complements
For Practice Pg. 56 Ex 6 (adjectives) Pg. 57 Ex 8 Pg. 60 ex. 14 (adverbs) Pg. 61 ex 15 Pg. 63 ex 16 Pg. 77 Mastery Test (preps., conj. Interj.) Pg. 100 ex. 10 (Diagram the sentences only) Pg. 100 Chp. Review (complements) pg. 48 Chp. Review A and B (verbs)