MISD Copyright Guidelines Presented by August 2006
Copyright\-,rit\n (1735): The exclusive right to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form of a literary, musical, or artistic work. ©
U.S. copyright law gives these rights to the creator of a work: Reproduction Adaptation Distribution of copies by sale, gift, rental, lease or lending Public performance Public display Digital audio transmission
MISD copyright policy states that employees may not: Make unlawful copies on district-owned equipment Use unlawful copies of materials on district equipment Use unlawful copies in district facilities or at district functions/events
MISD legal and/or insurance protection will not cover: employees who copy materials unlawfully OR employees who use unlawfully copied materials
How can educators legally use copyrighted works in their teaching??? FAIR USE
Four Tests of “Fair Use”: For non-profit educational purposes The nature of the copy The amount of the work being used The effect of the use upon the potential market value of the copyrighted work
Fair Use of Audiovisual Materials Public performance is the key…
What is a “public performance”? When audiovisual material is used in “a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family or its social acquaintances is gathered…”
Fair Use for Audiovisual Materials The performance must be presented by instructors or students, AND The performance must occur in the course of face-to-face teaching activities, AND The performance must take place in a classroom or similar place of instruction, AND The performance must be of a legally acquired copy of the work
Use of audiovisuals for entertainment or reward is strictly prohibited under fair use Reward or entertainment is not considered “face-to-face teaching” and so does not meet the criteria of the fair use exemption
MISD Guidelines for Use of Video All videos must be previewed by the teacher All videos must enhance/support grade level and subject matter curriculum Rental video, feature films, theatrical releases and programs taped off broadcast television must be approved by the principal before showing –G and PG rating OK all levels –PG-13 OK only at secondary level with principal approval and parent notification –R is NEVER acceptable for any level
MISD Guidelines for Use of Video Parent notification is required when any rental, feature film, theatrical release or programs taped off broadcast television are to be used in their entirety Parent notification is required before showing any video dealing with a controversial subject Videos containing offensive language, stereotypes, excessive violence or nudity are not appropriate
MISD Guidelines for Use of Video All provisions of U.S. Copyright Law shall be observed Videos should not be shown for entertainment or reward because it is a copyright violation Teachers should use good judgment in the selection/use of video Teachers are encouraged to use a short “clip” rather than a video in its entirety Parent notification and off-air recording forms are available from your principal
A final word… You don’t take what isn’t yours without asking first.
Resources for further information… Copyright for Schools: A Practical Guide by Carol Mann Simpson, 2001 Your campus librarian