FTK infrastructures and DCS 02/12/20101FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza Crates Single rack layout Cabling Rack placement DSS DCS
Crates Requirements: 9U with VME64X backplane with 21 slots power supply (PS) with (5kW) rear card cage up to 28 cm deep for the AUX boards For good cooling of AUX boards, the PS must be placed externally to the bin max height 14U all included Commercial crates on the market: Wiener is at present the only producer of VME64X 9U crates, available in two versions: 6021 and 6023 Constraints of Wiener crates: 3U PS(UEP6021) is only 3kW, 6U needed to extend to 6kW with 6023 is 12U high, while 6021 is 11U. In order to fit the ATLAS standard 52U rack with three crates, model 6021 is preferred 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza2 Wiener VME64X-9U 6021
Crates – cont’d 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza3 Customization of 5kW power supply unit: Height must be contained within 3U Rack-compatible and air-ventilated box Connection with the Wiener bin done by means of PCB plug/receptacle backplane (study needed) Connection of DB-Sub monitoring/control lines done by means of external cables Possible alternatives: Reduce the crates per rack from 3 to 2, using the 6U PS available from Wiener catalog Designing a 3U custom PS using commercial AC/DC modules There is the possibility, with the new chip, that a 3kW PS will deliver enough power. To clarify in some months from now Wiener available for discussing a solution, other companies to be contacted Plug/receptacle power connection of the Wiener bin/power supply
Single rack layout 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza4 Option 1 Rack layout with three crates. A 3U power supply and a 11U VME bin are assumed. A 12U VME bin can be used (Wiener 6023) but requires a 56U rack. Option 2 Rack layout with two crates. A 6U power supply, like the 6kW Wiener UEP6021, is assumed. The crate type 6023 can also be used with the standard 52U rack.
9Ux280mm Single rack layout – cooling 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza5 Cooled zone Cooling pipes and electrical services Required cooled region depth = 680 mm Heat exchangers and air deflector length = 725 mm OK Turbine length = 725 mm including rotor, real length ~ 630 mm PROBABLY OK Rack cooling panels depth = 525 mm NOT OK Design of AUX board should place the hottest chips within 100 mm from VME backplane Some cooling improvement could be necessary, as well as installing some T sensors inside and on the back of crates Extender 9Ux280mm
Cabling 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza6 Fibers used as inputs and outputs of Data Formatters: collected in bundles, probably 6 fibers per bundle or multiples of 6 Inputs routed from Pixels and SCT RODs, located in USA level 2, as well as outputs to ROSes. IF FTK racks will be located at the same level, routing very easy through the false floor channels Fibers between DFs and AMboards: Probably connected in bundles Adjacent racks for DFs and AMboards desirable DSS cables: Embedded in rack installation DCS cables: CANbus twisted cable connecting all crates to the DCS PC
Rack placement 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza7 Map of USA15 level 1. Only four racks are empty. Space for new racks is quite reduced. Moreover, cabling from RODs is more complicated. Corridor and lift Stairs Empty racks Full FTK will need 13 crates for AMboards. If option 1 can be used, total racks are spare. In case option 2 has to be used, total racks must be spare. We also need one crate for ROS + ROBINs, it could be placed together with other ROSes.
Rack placement – Cont’d 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza8 Pixel and SCT RODs and ROSes are all at this level. Placing FTK here will simplify cabling. Lift Available space Pixel RODs SCT RODs ROSes Stairs Map of USA15 level 2. Some space seems available for placing additional 6 or 8 racks.
DSS 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza9 Alarms to implement on the DSS PLC in USA15 level 1 or level 2 (persistance and delay to fix): Services (level 2 alarm) o Cooling AL_INF_CoolingUSA15_RackFailure – action: power cut all racks Smoke (level 2 alarms) o Rack detection AL_Smoke_FTK_Yxxxxxx … # of used racks – action: power cut AL_Smoke_FTK_Yzzzzzz related rack o Environmental AL_INF_Smoke_USA15L2(1)RackRoomSideA – action: power cut AL_INF_Smoke_USA15L2(1)RackRoomSideC all racks Specific (level 2 alarms) o Flooding AL_INF_USA15andUX15_Flooding – action: power cut all racks o Emergency Button AL_EmergencyATLASoff – action: power cut all racks
DCS 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza10 Monitoring and control of racks: ELMB embedded in rack turbine and serially connected via CANbus Parameters monitored via the ATLAS central Common Infrastructure Control (CIC): USA15 Cooling TemperatureInlet and TemperatureOutlet – action: DSS Status of racks (on/off) – action: set alarm Status of turbines (consumption current) – action: set alarm Parameters controlled via CIC: Status of racks (on/off) – action: switch on or off racks Monitoring of T inside racks and crates (if installed): Thermistors to be installed inside racks and crates (embedded onboard?) FTK ELMB needed (64 channels) FTK DCS PC needed. To be installed in an already existing rack with horizontal cooling and under UPS power. It could also be used for FPGA initializations Interface between CANbus and PC needed (Kvaser board or similar)
DCS – Cont’d 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza11 Monitoring of crates: Using the CAN controller embedded in the crate fan unit Monitored parameters: Voltages, currents, fan speeds Monitored alarms: overheat, overload, overvoltage, undervoltage, fan failure Control parameters: Crate on/off
Summary 02/12/2010FTK Initial Design Review - A. Lanza12 Open issues: 1.Reduction of crate power supplies to 3U (if possible) Milestone: end June Placement of PS on rack under the bin Milestone: end June Electrical connections between PS and bin Milestone: end September Decision between option 1 and option 2 for the rack layout Milestone: end 2011? 5.Decision on rack number: 6 or 8 Milestone: follows item 5 6.Enlargement of cooling region inside racks Milestone: project - end September 2011, implementation – after rack installation 7.Decision on rack positions Milestone: asap 8.Decision on placement of the ROS crate Milestone: asap 9.Decision on placement of DCS PC Milestone: asap