Rush City Youth Sports Club September 2016
Agenda Introduction to RCYSC Purpose/Goal Athletic Impact The Organization Fundraisers Website
Club Purpose and Goal The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for young boys and girls to establish sound sports fundamentals in a fun, competitive and sportsmanlike environment. Our ultimate goal is to support and compliment the school sports programs.
Athletic Impact to Youth “Students who participate in structured extracurricular activities are likely to have higher academic achievement and higher levels of commitment and attachment to school” (Duncan, 2000, p.6). “Many positive benefits for adolescents may result from participation in sports which can enhance their self-esteem and increase their interest in sports” (National Middle School Association, 1997, p.2). “One way students gained self image and peers acceptance was through sports” (Black,2001)
Impact Summary Involvement in Sports Better Attendance in School Higher Grades Higher Self Esteem Gained Friendships Leadership Skills Teamwork Experience working through Conflict
The Organization RCYSC Baseball Basketball Football Softball Volleyball Wrestling Xplode
The Board President: Stefanie Folkema Vice President: Teri Umbreit Secretary: Open Treasurer: Cheryl Schmidt
The Board Director of Baseball: Greg Vacinek Director of Basketball: Scott Stepp Director of Football: Joey Folkema Director of Softball: Ed Schmidt Director of Volleyball: Tracy Telander Director of Wrestling: Kelly Gorman
Baseball Boys Grades 2nd – 7 th Annual Registration: January/February Season: April – July Director of Baseball Greg Vacinek
Basketball Boys and Girls Grades 4 th – 6 th Annual Registration: April Season: November - March Director of Basketball Scott Stepp
Football Boys Grades 4 th – 6 th Annual Registration: April Season: August - October Director of Football Joey Folkema
Softball Girls Ages Annual Registration: January/February Season: May - July Director of Softball Ed Schmidt
Volleyball Girls Grades 7 th – 11 th Annual Registration: November Season: December - March Director of Volleyball Tracy Telander
Wrestling Boys and Girls Grades Pre Kindergarten – 6 th Annual Registration: November Season: December - February Director of Wrestling Kelly & Claressa Gorman
Xplode Committee Jessie Ertz Joey & Stefanie Folkema Chrissy Hahn Glen Kuhlman Tracie Kuhlman Craig & Amy Mell Dale & Angie Oscarson Ann LaValley Wood
Xplode Sports Training Program Focus on Strength, Conditioning & Speed Caters to individuals needs for each sport Improvement stats and plans provided 90 mn, 3 days a week for 8 weeks June & July
Fundraisers Cadillac Dinner Pizzas Tiger Clothing Parent Jackets Pullovers
Fundraisers Youth Basketball Tournaments Held at RCHS Twice a Year Youth Wrestling Tournament Held at RCHS Once a Year
Cadillac Dinner Fundraiser Purpose/Goal To raise funds to subsidize Xplode program for high school athletes To create a social event for Rush City citizens leveraging Rush City businesses History Formal dinner with wine tasting, appetizers, salad, 2 meat choices and dessert buffet with cash bar
RCYSC Website