Chapter 2 Reading Site Plans
Chapter Overview Introduction to Reading Site Plans Understanding Legal Descriptions Site Plan Fundamentals Topography Reading Site Plans
Chapter Overview Reading the Grading Plan Site Analysis Plan Reading Subdivision Plans Planned Unit Development Metrics in Site Planning
Site Plans Site –Generally shows a proposed construction project Plot or lot –May only show the piece of property without reference to a construction project Plat Subdivision
Three Basic Legal DescriptionsLegal Descriptions Metes and bounds Rectangular survey system Lot and block
Metes and Bounds System Metes = measurements –Measured in feet, yards, rods (rd), or surveyor’s chains (ch) Bounds = boundaries –Streets, fences, rivers, and bearingsbearings Begins with a monument, known as the point-of-beginning (POB) point-of-beginning (POB)
Metes and Bounds System Example From POB N40°W, 1026' thence S56°45'W, 442' to Springwater Road, and continue S23°15'E, 1145' to a point, then N48°30'E, 778.8' to the POB.
Curved Property Lines Cul-de-sac exampleCul-de-sac Curve values: –Radius (R) –Length (L) –Delta angle –Included angle
Rectangular Survey System Applies to public land statespublic land states Lines of latitude and lines of longitude establish areas known as great land surveysLines of latitude lines of longitude
Baselines and Principle Meridians
Townships Divide baselines and meridians Measure 6 miles square
Sections Divide a township Measure 1 mile square
Section Division Example
Lot and Block System Established from either the metes and bounds or the rectangular system Describes specific lots within a subdivision –Subdivision is broken into blocks of lots sized depending on the zoningzoning
Lot and Block System Example LOT 14, BLOCK 12, LINCOLN PARK NO. 3, CITY OF SALEM, STATE
Topography Represented with graphic symbols or contour lines (shown) contour lines
Typical Site Plan Items Site plan scale Legal description of the property Property line bearings and dimensions North direction Existing and proposed roads
Typical Site Plan Items Driveways, patios, walks, and parking areas Existing and proposed structures Public or private water supply Public or private sewage disposal Location of utilities
Typical Site Plan Items Rain and footing drains, and storm sewers or drainage Topography Setbacks Specific items on adjacent properties that might be required Existing and proposed trees that might be required
Sewage Disposal Applications on Prints Public sewer connection Septic system Cesspool system
Sewage Disposal Applications on Prints
Reading the Grading PlanGrading Plan
Grading Plan and ProfileProfile Cutting plane line shows where the cut is made through the plan to establish the profile or section –Can extend all the way through the plan or just the ends –Keyed to the profile title such as SECTION A-A
Site Analysis Plan Vicinity map Site features Scale North direction Property boundaries Slope Plan legend Traffic patterns Solar site information Pedestrian patterns
Reading Subdivision Plans Requirements vary depending on local guidelines and zoning rules Guidelines for minor subdivisions may differ from major subdivisionsminor subdivisionsmajor subdivisions
Reading Subdivision Plans
Planned Unit Development Residential areas Recreational areas Open spaces Schools Libraries Churches Shopping facilities
Planned Unit Development
Metrics in Site Planning Metric values based on: –Surveying –Excavating –Paving –Concrete construction
Glossary Bearings –Directions with reference to one quadrant of the compass. Cesspool system –A sewage disposal system consisting of a cistern that receives untreated sewage that goes through a process of liquefaction and decomposition by bacterial organisms. The flow continues through an open bottom and perforated sides into porous gravel and soil. Contour lines –Lines that connect points of equal elevation and help show the general lay of the land.
Glossary Cul-de-sac –A street or passage closed at one end. Grading plans –Construction drawings that generally show existing and proposed topography. Legal descriptions –Descriptions of nearly every piece of property in the United States legal purposes, filed in local jurisdictions, generally at county or parish courthouses. Lines of latitude –Imaginary parallel lines, also called parallels, running east and west.
Glossary Lines of longitude –Imaginary lines, also called meridians, running north and south. Major subdivision –A subdivision generally consisting of many lots. Minor subdivision –A subdivision generally consisting of a few lots, such as three. Plat –A map of part of a city or township showing a specific area.
Glossary Point-of-beginning (POB) –A fixed location, such as a pile of rocks, a large tree, or an iron rod driven into the ground. Profile –A cross section through the site at specified intervals or locations to evaluate the contour more fully. Public land states –The western boundary of Ohio to the Pacific Ocean, as well as some southeastern states.
Glossary Septic system –A sewage disposal system that consists of a storage tank and absorption field in which solid and liquid waste enters, is stored, and then decomposes into sludge. Setbacks –The minimum distance from the property lines to the front, rear, and sides of the structure. Site analysis plan –A plan that provides the basis for the proper design relationship of the proposed development to the site and to adjacent properties.
Glossary Site plan –A scale drawing that describes how a parcel of land is to be improved. Site –An area of land generally one plot or construction lot in size. Subdivision –Several individual lots.
Glossary Topography –A physical description of a land surface showing its variation in elevation, known as relief. Zoning –An application of land use planning based on an ordinance that regulates the location, size, and type of a structure in a building zone.