Generational Diversity Mary Kay LaBrie
What is a Generation? Write down your biggest concern or challenge. We will discuss at the end of the class.
What is a Generation?
Stereotyping Means This to Me?
Traits vs. Bias
Music by the Generations Do you know the song? What emotion/memory does it trigger?
Traditionalists Post Depression FDR Social Security World War II First Computer Pearl Harbor Korean War The American Dream
Baby Boomers Civil Rights JFK Cuban Missile Crisis Vietnam Xerox Copier Moon Landing Woodstock Women’s Lib.
Generation X Energy Crisis Watergate First PC’s Corporate Layoffs John Lennon’s Murder The Challenger Disaster Exxon Valdez Fall of The Berlin Wall Aids
Millennials (Gen Y) Desert Storm War in Kosovo The Internet Oklahoma City Bombing Clinton Scandals Columbine September 11
Pair ‘em up!
For Discussion Why do the generations frustrate each other? How can we communicate across generations?
Learning Styles Informational Transformational Blended Self-Paced
Case Studies What would I do?
Generations Game Who knows the answers?