Disability Policy Seminar February 15, 2011
Challenges ◦ State budget deficits ◦ Push for flexibility ◦ Potential for major structural changes as part of deficit reduction ◦ Getting implementation done right Opportunities ◦ Expansion of coverage ◦ New options for home- and community-based services
Cuts inevitable but some deeper than needed: ◦ Rainy day funds still available in some states ◦ Lack of a balanced approach Pressure to repeal maintenance-of-effort provision ◦ AZ waiver request ◦ Repeal would have significant impact on people with disabilities
New Medicaid waiver requests could include: ◦ Block grant waivers would cap state and/or federal spending on the program ◦ Requests to increase cost-sharing and premiums above Medicaid limits ◦ Requests to limit benefits for certain groups
Senate bipartisan negotiations Leading proposals would cap federal spending as share of GDP “Look Ma, No Hands” Approach Connecting the dots leads to Medicaid Block Grant
Biggest challenge is playing defense and offense at the same time Need for strong messages on value of Medicaid Maintain focus on implementation ◦ Benefit packages for Medicaid ◦ Eligibility determination process ◦ Consumer support and education