Importance of IT security ->protects data ->ensures authentication and confidentiality ->preevents data theft
DATA secrecy ->data can be encrypted using a key and can be protected ->Data can be accessed only by the people with correct username and password
Lecture notes: 1.The first stage is planning which involves how to find the errors or bugs. 2.The second step is to enforce a policy that only authenticated users can access the data with unique username and password. 3.The third step is to monitor and manage the network and see whether any external intruders try to access the network
4.The intrusion detecttion systems detect the intruders who might misuse the data. 5.The fifth step is to assess the security if the intruders are only accesisng the data or modifying it. 6.The sixth step is threat analysisThe threat is analysed in detail and intruders and disconnected from the server. 7.Finally a security policy is created to prevent illegal use of data.
DATA BACKUP ->Keep a backup of data just incase data gets compromised. ->Database backup should also be maintained so that the business doesnt leave the customers behind if there is any attack on the computer system
Implement intrusion detection systemss ->To find intruders who might misuse data ->Disconnect them from the network
To ensure confidentiality ->Never give password to anyone ->The employees should have unique username ->Data should be monitored regularly