Think-pair-share What is the difference between direct and indirect characterization? What is an example of something that is “direct”? What is an example of something that is “indirect”? Partner Share!
Tuesday October 5, 2015
Standard(s): 8.5c Content Objective(s): I can understand how an author communicates character traits through both direct and indirect characterization. Language Objective(s)/Learning Target(s): I can use S.T.E.A.L. to characterize people.
Methods of Characterization Authors give their readers pieces of puzzles to solve their character’s identity
Definitions Characterization is the process by which the author reveals the personality of the characters. There are two types of characterization: direct and indirect.
Direct Characterization Direct characterization is when the author TELLS the audience what the personality of the character is. Example: “The patient boy and quiet girl were both at the game.” The author is telling us that the boy is patient and the girl is quiet.
Indirect Characterization Indirect characterization is when the author SHOWS things that reveal the personality of the character. There are FIVE different methods of indirect characterization: speech, thoughts, effect on other characters, actions, and looks. (STEAL)
Indirect Characterization SPEECH - What does the character say? How does the character speak? THOUGHTS - What is revealed through the character’s private thoughts and feelings? EFFECTS - What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? ACTIONS - What does the character do? How does the character behave? LOOKS - What does the character look like? How does the character dress?
Indirect Characterization Speech- What does the character say? How does the character speak? Example: “Hey, we can have lots of fun at camp this summer! I love being outside!” This shows us the character is upbeat and happy.
Indirect Characterization Thoughts- What is revealed through the character’s thoughts and feelings? Example: I wish it would stop raining. I am tired of sitting inside! This shows us the character is not happy about the situation.
Indirect Characterization Effect on Others- What is revealed through the character’s effect on other people? How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? Example: The boy glared at his sister as she ate his dessert. This shows us that the character is upset about his sister’s behavior and inability to think of others.
Indirect Characterization Actions- What does the character do? How does the character behave? Example: The girl rode the lawn mower through the house and into the garage. This shows us the girl is not concerned with rules or safety.
Indirect Characterization Looks- What does the character look like? How does the character dress? Example: The little girl left the game with slumped shoulders and a frown on her face. This shows us the little girl is not enjoying herself and is upset.
The Difference Remember, the difference between direct characterization and indirect characterization is TELLING v. SHOWING! Indirect characterizations are like clues about the characters. There is no mystery with direct characterization because the author gives us the information we need to know!
Checking for Understanding Identify the correct method of characterization and write it in the blank. 1. I suddenly had this crazy feeling like I wanted to bolt from the car and run through the fields until I couldn’t run anymore. What method for Paul? inner thoughts and feelings 2. Erik was sitting in one of the chairs. He waved casually to Mom. He ignored Me. What method for Erik? speech and action
3. “Trying to get in to see Old Charley Burn.” He looked at me. “He’s a real character. You’ll have to meet him. Spends half his life at the stock car races. He’s crazy about stock-car racing.” What method for Old Charlie Burns? (effect on others) other’s opinions and reactions 4. I thought to myself, OK, here we are. How long did it take Dad to get to his favorite topic, the Erik Fisher Football Dream? What method for Paul? inner thoughts and Feelings 5. He didn’t look to be much older than Erik. He had on knee-high black-and-yellow boots, a pair of cutoff shorts, and a white shirt that had TANGERINE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT-WAYNE written over the breast pocket. What method for Wayne ? (Looks) physical traits and characteristics
Direct or Indirect Characterization? B. “That Ed Johnson,” said Anderson, watching the old mechanic scratch his head in confusion as the sales rep explained Dralco’s newest engine performance diagnostic computer. “He hasn’t got a clue about modern electronics. Give him a good set of tools and a stack of yellowing manuals with a carburetor needing repair, and he’d be happy as a hungry frog in a fly- field.” Indirect!
Direct or Indirect Characterization? C. Julie held up six different outfits in front of the mirror and pondered which would go best with her navy blue shoes, pastel eye shadow and the diamond earrings she’d already procured from her overflowing vanity. After ninety minutes of mixing and matching, and cell-phoning her sister three times for advice, Julie finally made up her mind. She’d give the navy blue skirt and white sweater a try, hoping Trent would love it. Indirect!
Direct or Indirect Characterization? Julie owned a multitude of outfits and accessories, and it always took her forever to decide which combination might impress Trent. As usual, she called her sister several times for advice. After doing so, Julie decided to give the navy blue skirt with the white sweater a try. Direct!
Exit ticket What is the major difference between direct and indirect characterization? What are the five ways that writers reveal things about their characters indirectly?