The Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth Lynn Barr-Telford, Director General, Health, Justice and Special Surveys Branch October 19, 2015 (Andrew MacKenzie, Chief ) (Stacey Wan, Survey Manager )
Background Lack of consistent health data for children under the age of 12 that are nationally and provincially representative A key objective of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) redesign was to study this data gap Pilot study for the Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth (CHSCY) is currently under development Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 2
CHSCY Pilot Planned for the fall of 2016 Sample size 2500 Canadian Child Tax Benefit file to be used as a survey frame Targeted respondent will be a child or youth between the ages of 1-17 Children 1-5 & min. interview with Person Most Knowledgeable (PMK) Youth min. interview with PMK/ 20 min with selected youth Survey to be collected by internet/telephone Expected release of data in mid 2017 Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 3
Main Survey Survey to provide estimates at the provincial/territorial levels Will build on lessons learned through the pilot in order to maximize the effectiveness of the survey Date for the launch of the main survey still to be determined- possibly 2018 Funding partnerships being examined Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 4
Main Survey Cont’d Expected content (broad themes) General health Pre/Post natal health Mental health Nutrition Physical activity School/Friends Family Drinking, smoking, drugs Leisure time, screen time Access to/ contact with healthcare system Statistics Canada Statistique Canada 5