DoD Lead Agent: Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) Department of Defense Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence Operated by: Performance Management Development, Validation, Implementation and Enhancement of a Voluntary Protection Programs Center of Excellence (VPP CX) Capability for Department of Defense (DoD)
2 Objectives After this training you will be able to: Identify performance measurement benefits Describe performance measurement tools Describe a safety performance management system Identify key safety performance management steps Describe how to incorporate a culture change Define challenges in performance management.
3 Performance Management What gets measured gets done, what gets done well gets rewarded, and what gets rewarded gets repeated.
4 Performance Measurement
5 Performance measurement is a: – Management tool for enhancing decision-making and accountability – Strategic process used to assess accomplishments of organizational strategic goals and objectives.
6 Benefits of Using Performance Measurement The benefits of utilizing performance measurements at installations in support of the VPP process includes: – Accurate assessment of safety and health (S&H) goals – Opportunities to “re-calibrate” prevention initiatives – Opportunities for feedback from employees – Proactive or predictive behavior on safety issues – Ensure responsibility and accountability of personnel in S&H activities.
7 Safety Performance Measurement Sources Safety audits Behavior-based safety observations Injury frequency and severity rates Accident and property/equipment damage costs Perception surveys Bench marking with other installations % safety goals achieved (strategic planning) Total workers’ compensation costs Inter-industry/competitive industry rankings Medical aid or disabling injuries.
8 Common Performance Measurement Evaluations Lost time injury, frequency rate, and % budget to remedy hazard. Traditional Transitional Modern Trend analysis and savings achieved through prevention Performance to standards or benchmarks, positive measures of health and safety (ie: number of audits conducted and scores of audits conducted), and employee involvement.
9 Measurement Evaluation Example Notice Employee Driven Lean Safety Practice
10 Performance Management
11 Performance Management Performance management involves enabling people to perform their work to the best of their ability, by meeting and perhaps exceeding targets and standards. Leadership must set clear, measurable, and attainable goals must be put in place by both management and the employee. Both management and the employee must periodically review and evaluate progress toward the goals put in place.
12 Steps for Performance Management Address good performance. Improve good performance. Measure performance. Provide feedback. Conduct progress review. Set goals and measures. Establish and communicate elements and standards. Recognize and reward Good performance. Summarize performance. Assign the rating of record. PLANNING MONITORING DEVELOPING RATING REWARDING
13 Performance Management Planning Performance Management planning should: – Involve employees in the planning process from the beginning – Be flexible to adjust for changing objectives and work requirements – Be discussed often while reviewing status and milestones. PLANNING
14 Performance Management Developing The developing step may be used to include: – Increase the capacity to perform through training – Introduce new skills or higher levels of responsibility through a variety of assignments – Improve work processes or methods – Provide employees with training and developmental opportunities. DEVELOPING
15 Performance Management Monitoring Monitoring constantly measures performance Provide feedback to employees and work groups on their progress in reaching goals by: –Conducting progress reviews –Ensuring goals are realistic –Identifying unacceptable performance early –Providing corrective assistance to employees if needed. MONITORING
16 Performance Management Rating Performance management rating should: – Evaluate employees or group performances against the S&H goals – Measure work performed during an entire appraisal period. RATNG RATING
17 Performance Management Rewarding Performance management rewarding should: – Recognize achievement of S&H goals – Recognize employee ownership of the process. REWARDING
18 S&H Management System
19 S&H Management System Successful performance management programs utilize a robust management system. S&H systems should include: – Specific safety objectives – Procedures for achieving objectives – Clearly defined measurements.
20 Basic S&H Management Steps A basic plan to follow when trying to implement a S&H management system include: – Determining what you want to measure, why, and how that information will be used – Developing a performance measurement plan – Establishing benchmarks and standards – Measuring, evaluating, and reacting on feedback – Determine improvements or recognition opportunities.
21 Safety Management Success Keys Monitoring and auditing are key components of a safety management system. This is accomplished by: – Evaluating and updating procedures, S&H systems, and equipment – Establishing a comprehensive S&H review – Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the S&H management system. – Maintaining documents that evaluate the S&H management system.
22 VPP and Performance Management
23 Benefits from Culture Change Continuous improvement Good business results Positive morale and reduced anxiety Responsive employees who take action, raise concerns, and resolve issues. People, not process, will successfully change the behaviors of the organization.
24 Challenges of Performance Management Linking pay to performance Measuring organizational and employee results Using competencies in a performance management system Developing performance management tools to improve organizational effectiveness Supporting your culture with performance management Linking reward systems to performance management Developing and implementing a performance management system.
25 VPP and Performance Management The VPP elements specify S&H performance management attributes that develop, measure, and monitor progress toward building a safety culture. What gets measured, gets done; what gets done well, gets rewarded; what gets rewarded, gets repeated.
26 Summary In this section you learned about: Performance measurement benefits Performance measurement tools Safety performance management system Key safety performance management steps How to incorporate a culture change Challenges in performance management.