STEP 1 NEEDS analysis – Why this project is needed? - What are the challenges faced by the young people/local community you live in? - What are their priorities, their main needs? How are you going to meet the priorities and the needs identified? What is innovative in your idea?
STEP 2 Target group – Which is the target group beneficiary of your project? Why and for whom is it needed? Who will be the target group(s) reached through the project? Please specify with whom you are going to work. (age, characteristics of the target group ……) Which are the “direct” beneficiaries of your project? Which are the “indirect” beneficiaries of your project?
STEP 3 Definition of the Aim – What is the project for? (The ais should be expressed in one or, at least, very few sentences that contain the essence of the project and can be read almost independently from the rest of the project.) Guiding questions: - What is your project for? (reason) - What do you want to achieve/change (within your local community, region …. )? (impact) Our aim is…
STEP 4 Definition of Objectives So, concretely, how are you going to achieve the aim of your project? Guiding questions: - What young people should learn during the project? - Which necessary steps do you need in order to achieve the aim? - Which would be the possible outcomes of the project? Are your objectives SMART? Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed
STEP 5 Definition of Budget and Funding So, concretely, where are you going to look for funding for your project? And how do you organize the budget? Possibility of funding: Budget draft:
STEP 6 The Title of the project: The sub-title…… :
STEP 7 Definition of the 3 main steps of the project Planning: involvement of young people in the preparation process, on local and int. Level, meetings with partners … Implementation: programme/list of activities (workshops, discussions...) corresponding to the defined objectives and the quality criteria; aiming at ‘visibility’;) Follow-up: - to spread the outcomes of the project (in your own community and in the communities of the partners/participants), share best practises; - which activities are going to follow-up your project (initiatives of participants, communities) Definition of the WORKING METHODS you would like to use Think about possible activities, which might help to achieve your objectives and lead you towards reaching the working methods you old like use and implement in the project
STEP 9 QUALITY CRITERIA fixed in the project 1) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
STEP 10 Quality criteria and assessment - PERMANENT MONITORING
STEP 12 FOLLOW UP, VALORIZATION and EXPLOITATION of the results - Which are the “standard” measures you planned to ensure the follow up of the project? - And about the valorization?
STEP 13 How are you going to consider / point out the SPECIAL NEEDS / conditions of the LOCAL COMMUNITY or of the BENEFICIARIES with special needs? How do you ensure the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities? Does your project involve young people with fewer opportunities (facing situations that make their inclusion in society more difficult) and/or special needs (mobility problems, health care, etc.)? If so, please describe and motivate
STEP 14 Planning RESOURCES – How many/much? Guided questions: - What kinds of materials are needed for your activities? - Which ones do you already have and which one you need to buy? - What equipment might be needed? - Are you planning rent or buy it? - What spaces are needed for running the activities? - Do you own them? - Do you need to rent them? - Will you need any external people like trainers, consultants? Needed resources: