Input for the 2nd SEKA consortium Meeting London Manfred Pretis
Suggestion 1 Usage of well establishe EU learning outcome model to structure and describe moduls SEKAs intellectual outcome 2 might be based on the use of “units of learning outcomes”. The learning outcomes of a unit represent a ‘stand ard’ against which following aspects are assessed:
1) person’s knowledge 2) skills and 3) competence The use of units creates the possibility to recognise learning outcomes for parts of qualifications and to give people the possibility to achieve the remaining units of learning outcomes through formal or informal learning.
Orientation on COMPETENCES (learning outcome orientation) Challenge: Structure our curriculum based on learning OUTCOMES The learner (WHO) is able to..... WHAT… HOW… IN WHICH CONTEXT…
Example (Modul Information about ASD) KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know 3 basic symptoms of ASD The parents are able to observe these behaviours in their child The parents are able to discuss possible symptoms with professionals.
The modules Within this section learning outcomes for parents of children with autism – based on previous needs analysis are presented. The learning outcomes might be comparable for the participating parents in the partner countries, however it is highly probable. that the concrete contents of the training to reach these learning outcomes depend to a high extent of the national context (including legal background and availability of services) the age of the child the concrete living situation of the family Because of this the concrete training materials (based on this modular system) will be employed by the project partners within their concrete training contexts.
Modul 1: Health Services Suggested learning outcomes: Services The challenge/to do towards trainings: describe concrete health service provider and systems in your national context. KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about services concerning health concerns of their children with autism The parents are able to ask and look for services and express their needs/concerns Parents are able be respected partner within communication processes with medical experts
Suggested learning outcomes: Symptoms Available: Briefing packs in DE, EN and TR
Modul 2: Educational aspects KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about services concerning educational possibilities of their children with autism The parents are able to ask and look for services and express their needs/concerns Parents are able to be a respected partner within communication processes with medical experts Suggested learning outcomes: 2.1 Services The challenge/to do towards trainings: describe concrete educational service provider and systems in your national context.
Modul 2: Educational aspects KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about specific educational needs of their child with ASD The parents are able apply evidence based educational methods during daily routines at home The parents are able to ask professionals relevant questions concerning bringing up their child Suggested learning outcomes: 2.2 Educational support Available: Briefing packs in DE, EN and TR
Modul 3: Legal entitlements Suggested learning outcomes: Applicable laws, entitlements, allowances The challenge/to do towards trainings: describe concrete legal basis, entitlements in your national context. KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about their legal entitlements concerning the diagnosis Autism spectrum disorder The parents are able to ask and apply for their entitlements Parents are able to identify stakeholders or supporting services which can help them
Modul 4: Psychosocial rights Suggested learning outcomes: Applicable laws, entitlements, allowances The challenge/to do towards trainings: in which way should we provide this content?. KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about the UN-convention on Persons with disability The parents are able to identify situations where they percieve that the social rights of their child was endangered Parents are able to discuss and claim their rights
Modul 5: Services and support Possible Introduction: Generally services should be (European Agency) affortable for parents accessible (in terms of distance) interdisciplinary parents-needs oriented representing state-of-the-art quality Services are mostly based on the diverse national contexts and might differ significantly and also depend on the age of the child.
Modul 5: Services Suggested learning outcomes: Assessment of appropiateness of services The challenge/to do towards trainings: in which way should we provide this content?. KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about appropiate servicesfor their child and for themselves The parents are able assess the quality of a service Parents are able to ask for needs-orientation and for full participation concerning service provision
Modul 6??? Suggested learning outcomes????????? The challenge/to do towards trainings: in which way should we provide this content?. KnowledgeSkills(Wider) Competences The parents know about appropiate servicesfor their child and for themselves The parents are able assess the quality of a service Parents are able to ask for needs-orientation and for full participation concerning service provision
To do - Decide about the suggested EU learning outcome model -Prepare relevant national documents for the moduls -Consider existing training materials (e.g. Briefing Pack on Autism in EN, TR, DE) -Translate useful materials into your target languages
Performing pilot trainings with parents Consider appropiate timing (when) Consider possible priorities of parents (not always what you consider important might be important for the parents) Consider possible needs for child care Consider possible obstacles concerning the language or terminology used Consider the importance of engagement of the parents (how can they be actively included into the training) Consider the preparation of the trainer Consider the learning environment (size of the classroom, availability of beverages...) Consider the evalution and transfer of the learning outcomes