Mr. Beaver World History
MR. WILLIAM R. BEAVER JR. WORLD HISTORY Room C- 121 - OR go to the school website & find me under Staff 25 th year teaching - 11 th in Jackson (New York, Red Bank & JMHS) World History, AP World & AP European, US History, Contemporary World Issues & Sociology 12 years coaching baseball & softball St. John’s University – in NYC Wife Susan (24 years); sons Liam (9) & James (7) Check out my class page for info!
Attendance Seating On-line textbook information Class Page (Schoolwires: Google class page to come? Lockers Evacuation route Course Content Expectations & procedures Homework & schedule for the week PASSES!!!
What is history & why it’s important. Medieval Times Renaissance Reformation Age of Exploration Absolutism Revolutions
Age of Napoleon Industrial Revolution Nationalism & Imperialism World Wars Russian Revolution & Communism Cold War & Contemporary History
Thesis construction & written responses Source analyses
The Learning History is not simply to memorize facts! Teach/learn skills to engage in the “practice” of history... “do history” by applying skills to better understand historical themes, course objectives & succeed in other endeavors of life! 1. Chronology: (Historical Causation, CCOT, Periodization; aka: “What belongs when?) 2. Compare & Contrast 3. Context: Connect historical events to specific circumstances of time, place & region. Cannot always evaluate based upon our perspective.
4. Historical Argument: Create a clear, analytical thesis, supported by accurate, relevant facts. 5. Interpretation & Synthesis: MOST CHALLENGING!! Analyzing why sources/interpretations vary Apply understanding of the past to develop new understanding Take diverse & varying sources/evidence & analyze to answer a question. How do other disciplines impact history? How does past impact today?
(WHH)Grades 65% tests, quizzes, written & performance assessments 25% homework/projects 10% activities/participation ***No letter grades!*** Course Grade: Each Marking Period = 28% (x3) Final Exam = 16% HONORS CLASS – Tests are at least 50% written response & class work includes more source analysis assignments & writing activities ***I do not give personal extra-credit assignments ***Responsibilities & Participation Group work & evaluation sheets
(CP)Grades 50% tests, quizzes, written & performance assessments 30% homework/projects 20% activities/participation ***No letter grades!*** Course Grade: Each Marking Period = 28% (x3) Final Exam = 16& Tests written response ***I do not give personal extra-credit assignments ***Responsibilities & Participation Group work & evaluation sheets
Homework Text book assignments & open notebook quizzes Source readings & worksheets Late policy: (1 day = half credit; otherwise NO CREDIT!) ***Homework is always available on my class page in addition to my directions. It is also written on the side board. CLASS PAGE has calendar with homework, class power points and objective sheets under the student resource section Select “Teacher pages” from tabs Find and select my name Tabs for Honors and World History where you can find current homework assignments…be sure to select correct course, month and year from drop down lists Tab for Student Resources with “helpful links” on the left and “helpful documents” on the right. Google Classroom to come...
Absences Students responsible to make-up all work and can make appointments to see me after school or can me. Absentee binder Extra day extension for each day of absence from when assigned. Class page for homework & power point notes Make-up tests = w/in one week after school on Wednesdays/Thursdays
Go to: http// Username: student Password: student1 Download PDF file to computer PDFs already downloaded on my class page under “Student Resources” the helpful documents
Chromebooks - you will each be assigned a Chromebook number. Take care when you use it and inform me immediately of a problem. Cell phones... Never out in class! Must be silenced/muted. If I see/hear yours during a test/quiz = zero during class/activities = I take it. MUST leave it with me if you want to leave the room. You give me the phone and I give you the pass. We exchange when you return!
CONTACT INFO: Please feel free to contact me any time; is best: I will send / progress reports home mid- marking period. “E-Updates” I am available to offer extra help to students by appointment most days after school (1:45-2:15) Genesis