CMS DAQ project at Fermilab Ichiro Suzuki CD/CEPA/OAA Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory CD status report, 2003/03/26
CMS Experiment CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) One of four experiments at CERN/LHC (Others are ATLAS, ALICE and LHC-B) Ready for collisions in 2007
CMS DAQ System Input: 100kHz Output: 100Hz Building events of 1MB from 500 x 2kB fragments 'Slice'd design A 'slice' is a 64x64 switching event builder (EVB) Eight 'slice's work in parallel
Event Manager Event control and tracking unit One for each 'slice' Receiving trigger information from the GTP (global trigger processor) and propagate it to RUs (Readout Units, input side nodes of the switch) Managing/tracking events in the system One for each 'slice' Responsibility of Fermilab-MIT group
US-CMS Slice Test A full-chain readout test in surface building (experimental area is under ground) at CERN Small parts of HCAL and EMU detectors (both detectors are US's main contribution) + Mini-DAQ Proving completion of US detector construction projects Planned in 2004
The EVM Project Two goals: The FNAL EVM Test Bench Development of the EVM Supporting US-CMS DAQ developments for the slice test The FNAL EVM Test Bench Small cluster of PCs and network switches working as a mini-scale DAQ A test stand for EVM development An event builder for sub-detector (HCAL, EMU) readout front-end
Current Activities Benchmark test of the CERN EVB software EVM specific add-on to the EVB Reliable broadcast library Java EVB control library Dummy GTP (trigger unit) HCAL beam-test DAQ support Modification of the EVB software Software integration help EMU beam-test DAQ support Housing the EMU front-end crate in the EVM test bench Software integration help
Plan HCAL + EMU beam test support: '03 Q2 Development of the slice test DAQ: '03 Slice test DAQ integration: '04 US-CMS slice test at CERN: '04 Q4 EVB benchmarks and improvements: '03 Q2-3 EVM study for better traffic control: '03 - '04 CMS DAQ commissioning: '05 - CMS data taking: '07
People V. O'Dell (FNAL/PPD): Project manager I. Suzuki (FNAL/CD): EVM R&D Test bench sysadmin EVB improvement EVM software Beam test DAQ support D. Charak (FNAL/CD): EVM R&D Dummy trigger processor K. Sumorok (MIT): Supervision,Documentation