English 100 Tuesday, On a sheet of paper, write about the following prompt… you will keep this in your notebook: Identify and list the five most serious problems in the world today. Choose one and write a paragraph in which you explain the problem (who, what, why, where, when?)
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” - Quiz “I have neither received information from anyone nor given information to anyone regarding this quiz.” Please sign your name.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” - Quiz 1.According to the authors, what distinguishes “argument” from “persuasion”? 2.What is an academic argument? 3.In what three ways do authors appeal to their audiences? List and Define each.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” The major theme, or lesson, of this chapter is that all language and images can serve, and most often do serve, as argument. p. 4 – “…an argument can be any text – written, spoken, or visual – that expresses a point of view.” To this end, a second major theme, or lesson, of this chapter is that rhetorical situations vary widely, ranging from the obviously persuasive to the poetic.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Argument – to use evidence and reason to discover some version of the truth in order to lead the reader toward a conviction regarding a claim Persuasion – to change a point of view or to move others from conviction to action.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Rogerian Argument – based on approaching audiences in nonthreatening ways and on finding common ground and establishing trust among those who disagree about issues. Seeking to understand the perspective of those with whom they disagree
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Purposes of Argument: To inform To convince To persuade To explore To make decisions To meditate or pray
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Academic Argument – an argument that is held to the standards of a professional field or discipline. It is an argument presented to knowledgeable people by writers who are striving to make an honest case that is based upon the best information and research available with all of its sources carefully documented.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Rhetoric – the art or study of effective communication (argument). Rhetorical Situation – occurs when a writer or speaker, faced with a specific situation, chooses a medium, based upon context and audience, to communicate an argument regarding the specific situation.
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Forensic Arguments – arguments about the past Deliberative Arguments – arguments about the future Epideictic Arguments – arguments about the present
English 100 Tuesday, Stasis Theory – a way of categorizing arguments by considering their status – sequential 1.Did something happen? Claims of fact 2.What is its nature? Claims of Fact/Value (defining) 3.What is its quality or cause? Claims of Value (evaluating) 4.What actions should be taken? Claims of Policy (proposing)
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument” Appealing to Audiences Pathos – Emotional Appeals Ethos – Ethical Appeals Logos – Logical Appeals
English 100 Tuesday, Chapter 1 – “Everything Is an Argument,” p. 35 Topic/Message (Logical Appeals) Speaker/Writer (Ethical Appeals) Audience/Readers (Emotional Appeals) Context 1.Purposes and kinds of Arguments 2.The crux of any argument (stasis) 3.Formulation of argument to appeal to audience The Rhetorical situation is dynamic; it changes when any element changes
English 100 Tuesday, Assignment Bring an advertisement from a newspaper or magazine to class tomorrow