Class 8 Unit 3 Lesson 10 « English is the Latin of the 21 st century » by Shmakova O.V. v.Kirpichniy, KHMAO-Ugra
- What is the most difficult in learning English for you? - What is the Easiest in Learning English for you? Ideas: reading, speaking, listening, grammar. Answer the Questions:
When the English tongue we speak, Why is BREAK not rhymed with WEAK? Will you tell me why it’s true, We say SEW, but likewise FEW ? And the maker of a verse Can’t rhyme his HORSE and WORSE CORD is different from WORD. COW is COW, and LOW is LOW, SHOE is never rhymed with TOE. Wherefore DONE, but GONE and LONE. Is there any reason known? And in short it seems to me Sound and letters disagree. Try to read:
Try to read (by the Lord Cromer): When the English tongue we speakwen ði ˈɪ ŋ ɡ l ɪʃ t ʌ ŋ wi spi ː k Why is break not rhymed with weak?wa ɪ z bre ɪ k n ɒ t ra ɪ md w ɪ ð wi ː k? Won't you tell me why it's truew ə ʊ nt ju tel mi ː wa ɪ ɪ ts tru ː We say sew, but also few?wi se ɪ s ə ʊ | b ə t ˈɔː ls ə ʊ fju ː ? And the maker of a verse ə nd ð ə ˈ me ɪ k ə r ə v ə v ɜː s Cannot rhyme his horse with worse? ˈ kæn ə t ra ɪ m ɪ z h ɔː s w ɪ ð w ɜː s? Beard is not the same as heard,b ɪ ə d z n ɒ t ð ə se ɪ m ə z h ɜː d Cord is different from word,k ɔː d z ˈ d ɪ fr ə nt fr ə m w ɜː d, Cow is cow, low is low,ka ʊ z ka ʊ | l ə ʊ z l ə ʊ Shoe is never rhymed with toe ʃ u ː z ˈ nev ə ra ɪ md w ɪ ð t ə ʊ Think of hose and dose and lose, θ ɪ ŋ k ə v hoz ə nd d ə ʊ s ə nd lu ː z And think of goose and yet of choose, ə nd θ ɪ ŋ k ə v ɡ u ː s ə nd jet ə v t ʃ u ː z Think of comb and tomb and bomb, θ ɪ ŋ k ə v kom ə nd tu ː m ə nd b ɒ m Doll and roll and home and some.d ɒ l ə nd r ə ʊ l ə nd h ə ʊ m ə nd s ʌ m And since pay is rhymed with say, ə nd s ɪ ns pe ɪ z ra ɪ md w ɪ ð se ɪ Why not paid with said I pray?wa ɪ n ɒ t pe ɪ d w ɪ ð sed a ɪ pre ɪ ? Think of blood and food and good; θ ɪ ŋ k ə v bl ʌ d ə nd fu ː d ə nd ɡʊ d Mould is not pronounced like could.m ə ʊ ld z n ɒ t pr ə ˈ na ʊ nst la ɪ k k ʊ d Why is done, but gone and lone —wa ɪ z d ʌ n b ə t ɡɒ n ə nd l ə ʊ n Is there any reason known? ɪ z ð ə r ˈ eni ˈ ri ː z ə n n ə ʊ n To sum it up, it seems to metu s ʌ m ɪ t ʌ p | ɪ t si ː mz tu mi ː That sounds and letters don't agree.ð ə t sa ʊ ndz ə nd ˈ let ə z d ə ʊ nt ə ˈɡ ri
Means of communication Use these words to make new sentences (use only blue words) : The Normans The Romans The Anglo-Saxons The Vikings Formation Such as To contribute to smth They sayAnyway Nowadays To take smth for granted To interrupt But don’t forget
Which means of communication is the oldest? a)the computer b) the telephone c) the alphabet b)d) the telegraph e) letters 2. Who invented paper? a) The Chinese b) The Japanese c) the English 3. Who invented the alphabet? a) the Jewish b) the Greeks c) the Egyptians 4. Who invented the stamp? a) the English b) the Russians c) the Americans 5. Who invented the telephone? a) Telephone b) A.Popov c) A.G.Bell 6. Who invented the telegraph? a) A.G.Bell b) Samuel Morse c) Mary Telegraph 7. Who invented the ? a)the Americans b) the Russians c) the Germans Test yourself:
1/In old times, all people on the earth spoke different languages. a)true b) false c) not stated 2/Then people were ambitious and decided to build the Babel tower a)true b) false c) not stated 3/The tower of the city will go up to the sky and we can be closer to God a)true b) false c) not stated 4/People thought that they could build the tower with God a)true b) false c) not stated 5God got very angry with people and punished them a)true b) false c) not stated 6He gave them different languages but people could understand each other a)true b) false c) not stated Read & answer the questions (part I) :
Read & answer the questions (Part I) : 1/In old times, all people on the earth spoke different languages. a)true b) false c) not stated 2/Then people were ambitious and decided to build the Babel tower a)true b) false c) not stated 3/“The tower of the city will go up to the sky and we can be closer to God a)true b) false c) not stated 4/People thought that they could build the tower with God a)true b) false c) not stated 5/God got very angry with people and punished them a)true b) false c) not stated 6/He gave them different languages but people could understand each other a)true b) false c) not stated
Read & answer the questions (Part II) : 1/.Why could people understand each other? a)They spoke different languages b)They spoke the same language 2).What did the people decide to build? a). The towerb)The great city of Babelc)The great city of Babel and the tower 3/. Why did they want to build the city? a)They want to live together b)They were ambitious 4/. Why did God get angry? a)People forgot about himb)The tower of the city went up to the sky 5/. How did he punish the people? a)gave them different problems b) gave them different languages 6/. What people couldn`t do after the punishment? a)Finish the towerb)Live togetherc)Finish the tower and live together
Read & answer the questions (Part II) : 1/.Why could people understand each other? a)They spoke different languages b)They spoke the same language 2).What did the people decide to build? a). The towerb)The great city of Babelc)The great city of Babel and the tower 3/. Why did they want to build the city? a)They want to live together b)They were ambitious 4/. Why did God get angry? a)People forgot about himb)The tower of the city went up to the sky 5/. How did he punish the people? a)gave them different problems b) gave them different languages 6/. What people couldn`t do after the punishment? a)Finish the towerb)Live togetherc)Finish the tower and live together
Ресурсы: 1/ УМК «Happy» для 8 класса, 2014 г. 2/ Стихотворение лорда Кромера с транскрипцией сайт