Vera Anderton Susan Aktas Introductions
Tenant Management Team Scrutiny Process 2014
TMT Scrutiny Process – Why? This presentation on new structure for identifying scrutiny and hopefully aim to create streamlined and more effective method. The initial process was set up and primarily looked at results from STAR survey and at areas which appeared obvious when in came to areas of improvement. With the massive improvements which have happened within NCH, the team needed a different and more scientific approach in how the identified and delivered Scrutiny As with all progress that NCH had made TMT wanted to evolve and develop on the success they had previously achieved, also they are aware of the changing needs/focusses of the business and as such wanted move with the times
Better way of choosing topics more scientific. Duplication of work being undertaken internally by New Charter. Look at Value for Money Scrutiny team going ‘off topic’ leading to lost time We are we needed a robust and challengeable framework for identifying projects. Need to be aware if NCH are currently working on a project, do we need to run a mirror project, might be the case, cover that later. With Value for money playing greater importance need to look at all areas of service not just outcome. Create a more focussed piece of work and hopefully keep the team on track
TMT Scrutiny Process – What? So what did we did
We got in an external industry expert to help is with the process, as with possibly a lot of scrutiny teams we focussed heavily on the statistical information that was provided by New Charter, and didn’t consider other areas
Where do we get our information KPI’s Residents Associations – Tenant Groups Staff Local Intelligence Individuals As you can see we still use the stats (KPIs) but wanted to make sure that we represented the tenant body and developed a way for anyone to be able to suggest recommendations to us, in additon staff can submit areas for consideration as they are an excellent resource.
Dog Fouling Empty Properties Anti social behaviour Rent Loss Grass Cutting With the information we receive we need to apply these against our scheduling criteria
Priority? Next we need to look at which of the five is the highest priority
Scheduling Criteria Number of tenants affected Impact Performance Complaints Customer Satisfaction We look at the number of tenants affected What the impact is to the resident How is service performing against set standards and against other organisations Number of complaints made against that service And what customer satisfaction is (if we don’t have any current information on this we might get our resident inspectors to do a piece of work on this) Once we have all this information available it is applied to a scoring matrix (attach matrix slide)
Next we need to look at which of the five is the highest priority –
Depending on the information which is received on the Anti social behaviour Depending on the information which is received on the Number of tenants affected Impact Performance Complaints Customer Satisfaction This will show which comes out as highest priority For example if the issue affects all tenants it would receive 3 points (Maximum) If the impact on the resident was severe again it would receive 3 points So as you can see in this instance Anti social behaviour can out with the highest priority
Head of Service Do you know the problem? Are you going to do anything about it? What are you going to do? Plans Timescales Tenant Involvement Anti social behaviour A meeting with be arranged with the head of service and a discussion will take place on whether they are aware on what the problem is, if so is there any plans to rectify the solution, and what are the timeframes, plans, tenant involvement.
Scrutiny, or not to scrutiny That is the question Once the information from the head of service has been received the team will make a decision as to whether they need to run a full scrutiny, if they are happy that the head of Service is aware of what the problems are, they have a plan to deal with it and the timescale is agreeable the team will end their involvement in the process and write up a report detailing what they have done, and submit this in the same way to GMT and HOMES board, whilst not a full scrutiny it is still a Scrutiny. In these instances the team will go back to their scoring matrix and look at the next priority area. The team are aware this could happen on a number of occasions, because of the proactive nature of NCH staff.
Continue Review Stop High Impact Low Cost High Cost Low Impact COST All scrutiny panels aim to be high impact and low cost, by adopting our new process we aim to be more efficient and produce more focussed pieces of work
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