Sahar Mosleh California State University San MarcosPage 1 To get to know each other in better way Line up across the back of the room by their birthdays, with January on one end and December on the other. Pair up with someone next to you Interview them for 5-8 minutes ( find out their names, hometowns, college majors, career thoughts and future goals, etc.) The group introduce one another to the whole class Introduction
Sahar Mosleh California State University San MarcosPage 2 What are your thoughts about attending college? What are your impressions of your college or university? How do you expect attending college will be different from high school or work? What is your one main reason for attending school? What are the benefits of earning a college education? What is your definition of a successful college student? Lecture launcher questions
Sahar Mosleh California State University San MarcosPage 3 College classes are larger College classes do not meet everyday College tests are given less frequently You will do more writing You will have to choose from many more type of courses Peer pressure keeps the student away from interacting with faculty in high school where as in college it is normal to ask a teacher for counsel You and your teacher usually have private offices and keep regular office hours High school versus College
Sahar Mosleh California State University San MarcosPage 4 High school more text book focused, college more lecture focused You learn the facts in high school no room for discussion or disagreement. In college you do the research and you have different point of view of topic based on your research College faculty are more likely to create and transmit original knowledge College students have more work to do and more freedom on responsibility for getting it done College students often live far from home. High school versus College