Introducing ‘Show my Homework’
What is it? This is a virtual homework tool which your teachers will be using to set most of your future homework. It also keeps you up to date with what is happening in school through notifications and a calendar. It makes it easier for you to track your homework using your mobile device, tablet or any computer. It involves your parents/carers in your homework! They can also track your homework! You can download the app to your mobile or device or simply log into the website. If you do not have access to a mobile or tablet- don’t worry- there are plenty of computers in school which are available for you to use! HOMEWORK CLUB TUESDAY and THURSDAY in the LOWER SCHOOL LIBRARY THE LIBRARY is open EVERY DAY! Some computer rooms across the school are also open at break and lunchtimes
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Mobile Apps- Go home and download to your phone/tablet IOS APPANDROID APP Once you have downloaded the app you will need to search for your school. You will be shown how to log in during a form period in school.
Other devices If you are using a mobile device that supports neither Android nor iOS then you can use your mobile web browser to access Show My Homework. The mobile website has full functionality which means that you will be able to do everything that you can do from your computer straight from your mobile device. From viewing your homework calendar to completing assignments online, visiting the Show My Homework website from your mobile browser will help make sure you get everything done on the go. When using on a computer, go to the web browser to access Show my Homework.
Accessing via the school website Click here to take you to the log in page
Logging in Logging in to your Show My Homework account gives you a lot more control over your homework! You will be able to view your own personalised To-do List and Calendar as well as being able to submit homework online, take interactive quizzes and spelling tests.To-do ListCalendar How to log in Your form tutor will give you a PIN. This is a nine digit code. Please visit this page: Enter your PIN in the empty field Choose and confirm a password Add an address or tick the box below it to skip this step and see your username Press Log in Once you have completed the PIN log in, you can log in to your account at any time using your /username and password combination from
Managing and push notifications and push notifications are a great way to stay organised! You can choose to receive reminders for upcoming homework, grades and can also receive push notifications on your smartphone. This will help you to keep on top of your homework as well any feedback from your teachers. Here’s how you can choose the notifications you’d like to receive: Once you have logged in, click on Edit profile to be taken to your My details page. Simply scroll down until you see Manage notifications. From here, you’ll see the different types of notifications and you can simply tick or un-tick the options as you like.
The to-do list ! The To-do List keeps staying organised simple. With a list in chronological order, you can be sure of what homework you have completed and what's left for you to do. The To-do list will always be the first thing you see when you log in. You can get back to it from any page by clicking the green To-do list tab on the task bar. Tasks are divided between two tabs: Issued and Completed. When you are assigned a homework task you will see it in the Issued tab. From the Issued tab you can view the 'homework details' page or mark the work as 'complete'. The items in both lists will be ordered by week with the oldest items at the top and the newest based on the due date for the homework. There are four subheadings: Past due: If an item is past its due date, it will appear at the top of the To-Do list under this heading. This week: The tasks due this week appear next under this heading Next week: The tasks due next week appear under this heading Other: All other homework set after next week will appear under this final heading.
The Calendar The Homework Calendar is a fast and reliable way for you to find and keep track of your homework! You can access your calendar by clicking the calendar icon in the taskbar and selecting the My Calendar tab. You will then be able to search for homework by applying filters relating to date, teacher, subject, class, year group and type of homework task. What you should know The homework displayed will appear in a long line starting from its issue date continuing through to its due date. Homework on the calendar is colour coded to make it easy for you to see what type of task you need to complete: Assignment, Spelling Test, Quiz, Differentiated, and Class Test. The colours will appear solid before the Homework reaches its due date. Once the due date has past, the colour will appear faded.
Announcements and Events The school may use Show My Homework to alert you about important dates! You will be able to receive push/ notifications to let you know about these in addition to seeing them when you log in to your account To view announcements and events for your school, go to your Notice board from your taskbar. You will be brought to a calendar displaying the month, with events and announcements shown in red and blue circles. The number of events/announcements is displayed within the circle. To view notices for the day, click a circle to be brought to the notice for more information. To view notices for previous or future months use the blue buttons to the top left of the calendar. You can use the This month button to bring you back to the current month.
Homework- finding the tasks There are a number of useful ways that you can find your homework on Show My Homework! You can use the handy search box in the top right from any page on Show My Homework to quickly find tasks. You can also use any of the features below: To-do list My calendar School calendar Gradebook The To-do list will always be the first thing you see when you login. Under this you will be able to find all homework that is yet to be completed. Click the calendar icon in the navigation panel and select the My Calendar to view your personal calendar. You will then be able to search for homework by applying filters relating to date, teacher, subject, class, year group and type of homework task. You can view your homework using the School Calendar without having to log in by searching for your school. Once you've found your school's calendar you can use the filters to find your homework.searching for your school The Gradebook is the best place to quickly check your marks and it also includes links to each homework task. So when you're check your grades you can remind yourself of the task. You can also get to the Results page quickly if you need to leave a comment.
Submitting your homework online When a teacher requests that a homework be completed online, you will have to do this via Show My Homework. However, Online Submissions are easy and allow you to upload homework at any time. The steps to do this are below. Go to the Calendar or To-do List and select the piece of homework that needs to be completed. Once selected, you will be able to view the homework details. There will be three tabs: Description, Results, and Submit. Click on the Submit tab. Next, either type your answer online using the text box provided, or upload a document. You can save your progress as a draft at any time. Once you have completed/uploaded your homework, simply select ‘Submit assignment to teacher’ to notify your teacher of your submission.
If you are stuck on your homework……. If you're having trouble with a task, you can leave a message for your teacher. On a computer Find the homework on your todo list or the calendar and click on it. The go to "Results", and type your question in the box the right. On the app Locate the task from your to-do list, tap on it and then tap "Add a comment" at the bottom of the screen. Be careful when typing as you cannot remove your comments!
Spelling tests and quizzes Your teacher may set you a spelling test or quiz to complete. They will show you how to do this when they set it!
Your parents/carers Your parents/carers will be given their own log in! They can now monitor the homework you receive and complete! They can also keep up with what is going on at school by looking at the announcements and notifications They will be invited to receive some training SOON!