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1. Do I believe my child is almost perfect? 2. Do I like rules until my child breaks them? 3. Am I happy gossiping about the school to anyone who will listen, but reluctant to talk to the head? 4. Do I go in at the deep end when someone criticises my child? 5. Am I an expert because I went to school myself? 6. Am I prepared to work with the school and pull my weight? 7. Can I strike a balance between being a Velcro parent and a ghost? 8. Can I support my child and support the school through difficult times? 9. Can I suppress my frustrated ambitions and let my child be him/herself? 10. Will I deflect rumour and find out the facts from the school?
What Do I Need To Know? How is the timetable organised? When do the exams take place? Is there any coursework? How much? When are the deadlines? Are there any Revision Classes? How will I know if my child is on target or otherwise? What are the school’s daily expectations? Who do I contact in school? What are the options for post 16? How does my child apply for college?
Core Subjects English Maths Science PE ICT RE 6
GCSE - Option Subjects Visual Arts Humanities - Art; Design-Geography - Art ; Photography-History - Art ; Textiles-RE - Art ; Graphics-Psychology TechnologyPerformance - Food Technology -Music - Resistant Materials LanguagesAdditional -Spanish- Computing - Business - PE - Health and Social Care 7 3 choices per child.
What Do I Need To Know? When do the exams take place? PREVIOUSLY Modular examinations. Controlled assessments through Year 10 and 11 NOW Return to linear exams taken at the end of Year 11
In 2017 these new grades will be used for English and Maths – it will be used for other subjects in subsequent years as they complete their first new GCSE curriculums.
In 2017 colleges will accept Grade 4 as the benchmark measure, but it will rise to Grade 5 in subsequent years.
Mathematics: Key information GCSE Mathematics Exam board – AQA Number of papers – 3 (one non-calculator) each worth 33.3% Two Tiers: Foundation Tier (Grades 1-5) and Higher Tier (Grades 4-9) Subject areas covered: Number, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry and Measures, Probability and Statistics. All papers can address content from any area of the specification and questions get progressively harder.
Mathematics: top three revision tactics 1.Make sure you know how to use your scientific calculator. 2. Use your time to practise doing questions, rather than reading. 3. Use the internet – there are lots of videos which break questions down step-by-step.
English: Key information GCSE English Language: Edexcel Paper 1: 19 th Century unseen fiction and imaginative writing (1hr 45mins, 40%) Paper 2: 20 th and 21 st Century non-fiction and transactional writing (2hrs, 60%) GCSE English Literature: Edexcel Paper 1: Shakespeare (Macbeth) and Drama (An Inspector Calls) (1hr 45mins, 50%) Paper 2: 19 th Century novel (Jekyll and Hyde) and poetry (2hrs 15mins, 50%)
English Language: top three revision tactics 1.Use online resources such as BBC Bitesize or YouTube videos to help you make notes. 2. Practise writing in timed bursts so that you get used to working quickly. 3. Always plan longer answers – making five-minute plans is also a quick revision activity for when you don’t have much time.
English Literature: top three revision tactics 1.Use online resources such as BBC Bitesize or YouTube to help you make notes. 2. Use a highlighter and read through copies of set texts picking out key quotations as you go and copying them out. 3.Create questions cards using quotations for different characters and themes in the texts.