Office of Economic Adjustment Roles and Assistance David F. Witschi Associate Director, OEA
Role within DoD Provide direct technical and financial assistance Technical publications and multi-disciplinary staff Grant assistance to plan and carry out adjustment strategies Outreach and networking opportunities Direct DoD Economic Adjustment Program Coordinate Federal assistance through Economic Adjustment Program Provide DoD resources to assist local recovery programs Help affected communities to make informed decisions
The Office of Economic Adjustment, in coordination with the other resources of the Federal Government, shall: Assist communities to plan and carry out local adjustment strategies; Assist communities to engage the private sector in ventures to plan and/or undertake economic development and base redevelopment; and Assist communities to partner with the Military Departments as they implement BRAC actions in support of DoD’s mission. Mission Statement – OEA’s “Core Identity”
Process Timeline SecDef initiates BRAC 05 Process (establish organization, process, and initial policy (Nov 02)) SecDef Approves and Forwards Recommendations for Realignments and Closures to Commission (May 16, 2005) Commission Process (May 05 - Sep 05) Presidential Review and Approval (Sep 05) Congressional Action (Sep Legislative Days) NOV 02~DEC 05 SecDef BRAC Report and Certifications (Delivered March 23, 2004) Selection Criteria Published (Feb 04) Commissioner Nominations (15 Mar 05) Threat Assessment/Revised Force Structure Plan (15 Mar 05)
BRAC 05 Community Assistance Advanced Planning Grants (Jun 04- May 05) Local conceptual reuse & or diversification planning Dual Tracking (16 May- Sept 05) State/Local adjustment while S/L govt. pursues other options Growth Management Planning Assistance (16 May 05 >) State/local adjustment preliminary to full support package Seed Grants (Upon BRAC Commission Report) State/local adjustment with operational support Complete Adjustment Assistance (Upon Final Report) State/local adjustment full support package State Planning Grants State-wide adjustment or diversification
Advance Planning Grant Assistance When Summer on, NOFA published June 17, 2004 Criteria Substantial portion of the economic activity or population of the geographic area to be subject to the advanced planning is dependent on defense expenditures Applicants State and local governments, not less than 10% cash match Activities Diversification plan Blueprint for community in event of a closure, conceptual reuse plan May be used to hire consultants Amount is tailored to community needs - $175,000 cap
Dual Tracking Assistance When SECDEF Recommendation/BRAC Commission Report, May-Sept. ‘05 Criteria Proposed establishment, realignment, or closure of a military base Finding of a “direct and significantly adverse impact on the affected community” Applicants State and local government, not less than 10% cash match Activities Become aware of the base reuse process and potentials Inventory economic development resources, state and federal resources Identify the stakeholders Prescribe a preliminary structure for the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) Network with other communities
Growth Planning Assistance When Service Force Structure and Transformation Implementation Integrated Global Presence and Basing Strategy (IGPBS) SECDEF Recommendation/BRAC Commission Report, May-Sept. ’05 Criteria Defined DoD action that imposes a direct and significantly adverse consequence to local government Greater than 2,000 net new, direct, military, civilian & contractor personnel or personnel levels that exceed 10% of employment within 15 miles of the base Applicants State and local governments, Indian tribes, District of Columbia, Commonwealths of Guam and Puerto Rico Activities Technical assistance to communities in developing Growth Management Strategies Financial assistance to hire consultants and/or for organizational/other costs, based on community needs, capabilities and capacities Duration of Support – typically 18 months Amount is tailored to community needs
Seed Grant Assistance When BRAC Commission Report issued ( by 8 Sept. ’05) Criteria Proposed establishment, realignment, or closure of a military base Finding of a “direct and significantly adverse impact on the affected community” Applicants State and local government, not less than 10% cash match Activities Operational support Inventory your economic development, state, and federal resources Identify the stakeholders Prescribe a preliminary structure for the Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA) Network with other communities
Complete Adjustment Assistance When SECDEF Recommendation/BRAC Commission Report, May-Sept. ‘05 Criteria Actual establishment, realignment, or closure of a military base Finding of a “direct and significantly adverse impact on the affected community” Applicants State and local government, not less than 10% local cash match Activities Organizational/other costs associated with planning and carrying out a community adjustment strategy, including base reuse plan May be used to hire consultants and/or staff Duration of Support – Multi-year, average three to six years Amount is tailored to community needs 78 multi-year grant recipients, averaging $2.1 million each
State Planning Grant Assistance Criteria State enhances its capacities to: assist communities adversely affected by a closure or realignment; support local adjustment and diversification initiatives stimulate cooperation between statewide and local adjustment and diversification efforts Applicants State government, not less than 10% cash match Activities Develop a state-wide adjustment or diversification strategy Build staff capacity to assist or coordinate assistance to defense- impacted communities, firms, and/or workers