PURPOSE OF PROJECT To redistribute accumulated sediment in the upper portion of the lake to improve/enhance the overall aesthetics and create beneficial habitat for the flora and fauna of lake.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Excavate and redistribute sediment in the upper portion of lake using a pontoon excavator. Excavate to a depth of 2.5 feet to tie into existing 2.5 foot contours downstream. Estimated quantity to be redistributed is 1,500 cu. yds. Excavated material will be contained by coir fiber logs to create two wetland benches. Material will settle and compact behind logs (estimated 6-12 weeks). Once material has consolidated behind logs, fill areas will be vegetated with various wetland plants and shrubs (e.g. Soft Rush, Tussock Sedge, Silky Dogwood).
PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Cont.) Area proposed for excavation is approximately 37,010 square feet (.85 acre) in size. Two areas proposed for fill encompass total of approximately 23,700 square feet (.54 acre). Construction may begin in September 2016 if federal and State permit approvals have been obtained for work. Construction may be limited to September to mid-November in any given year due to time-of-year restrictions contained in permit approvals (preclude impacts to hibernating turtles). Planting of wetland benches to occur in March-April of following year (2017). Material proposed for dredging does not contain contaminants at levels expected to result in impacts to aquatic organisms or risks to human health.
OTHER NECESSARY STEPS If City of Rehoboth officials are on board with proposal, Division staff will conduct public meeting with adjacent property owners affected by project to solicit opinions and gain consensus for project to occur. Obtain approval from adjacent land owners whose property extends into the lake (4 properties are affected). Obtain all necessary federal and State permit approvals to conduct project. Execute construction agreement with City of Rehoboth. Construction will be performed by DNREC personnel and equipment. Estimated project start date September 2016.