Upper School Briefing Evening Thirsk School 26 th September 2016
GCSE Results 2016 Headline Measures (Unvalidated) Headline Measures (Unvalidated) 63% A*-C including Maths & English 63% A*-C including Maths & English Progress 8 - positive score Progress 8 - positive score Maths x2 English x2 Ebacc subjects x3 and other subjects x3 added up and divided by 10 Attainment 8 - ‘C’ – Average grade for the entire cohort from all exams Attainment 8 - ‘C’ – Average grade for the entire cohort from all exams English A* - C 71% English A* - C 71% Maths A* - C 81% Maths A* - C 81%
What’s Different About Yrs 10 & 11? New subjects/courses New subjects/courses New opportunities, D of E etc... New opportunities, D of E etc... First major exams with important consequences First major exams with important consequences Potentially stressful time for pupils – time management Potentially stressful time for pupils – time management Greater demands from subject teachers Greater demands from subject teachers Challenging years of adolescence Challenging years of adolescence Homework timetable Homework timetable
What Do We Provide? Excellent track record Excellent track record Commitment to Personalised Learning Commitment to Personalised Learning High expectations of everyone, whatever level of ability High expectations of everyone, whatever level of ability Tracking, Monitoring and Support Tracking, Monitoring and Support Careers advice, individual interview in Y11, Y10 if requested Careers advice, individual interview in Y11, Y10 if requested Opportunities to contribute to the life of the school, PE, Drama, Music etc.... Opportunities to contribute to the life of the school, PE, Drama, Music etc.... Supportive environment, - helping students ‘fix it’ Supportive environment, - helping students ‘fix it’
What Would We Like Parents to Do? AT HOME: Be familiar with their timetable & HW timetable Be familiar with their timetable & HW timetable Take an interest: ex curricular/HW/Tests Take an interest: ex curricular/HW/Tests Establish routines around HW & revision Establish routines around HW & revision Check their planner weekly Check their planner weekly Encourage 100% attendance Encourage 100% attendance Check the website regularly for key dates & events Check the website regularly for key dates & events Provide a place to work Provide a place to work Water and feed as required Water and feed as required
What Would We Like Parents to Do? WITH SCHOOL: Keep in touch Keep in touch Trust us! Trust us! Be patient, give your son/daughter time to adjust Be patient, give your son/daughter time to adjust Support us in acting against poor behaviour Support us in acting against poor behaviour
How will my subjects be assessed? All subjects have moved towards 100% terminal examination. Exceptions PE, Dance, Catering etc. In order to prepare students they will have a formal exam week in June/July in Y10. They will also sit “Mocks” in January of Y11 to help familiarise them. We also organise a mock results day after the mocks in Y11.
SubjectAwarding Body Level SubjectAwarding Body Level ArtEdexcel GCSE GraphicsAQA GCSE BiologyAQA GCSE H&SCOCR National Business StudiesAQA GCSE HistoryAQA GCSE CateringWJEC/Eduqas GCSE equiv. ICTCambridge National ChemistryAQA GCSE MathsAQA GCSE ComputingOCR GCSE MusicAQA GCSE EngineeringEdexcel BTEC MusicEdexcel BTEC English LanguageAQA GCSE Physical EducationEdexcel GCSE English LiteratureAQA GCSE PhysicsAQA GCSE FrenchAQA GCSE Religious StudiesAQA GCSE GermanAQA GCSE ScienceAQA GCSE GeographyAQA GCSE
Work Experience
Now off to Maths, English and Science, 20 mins then rotate. Please rotate around on the bell. Any Questions