Canterbury Tales Introduction Snapshot of an Era
Geoffrey Chaucer Father of English poetry Ordinary people in England spoke Middle English, but the more intellectual spoke Latin or French Chaucer was one of the first authors to write in middle English He was successful in this because he was a well- respected governmental official Chaucer allowed for a respectability of the language
More Chaucer… Born middle class Became a page to a wealthy family – helped him learn manners & ettiquette Captured in France during the Hundred Years War King paid his ransom (he was that important) Was a Justice of the Peace and later a member of Parliament
Even more Chaucer… Wrote a great deal despite his governmental responsibility Influenced by Italian frame poems Frame Poems: group of characters tell their stories based on similar plots Wrote Canterbury Tales when he was unemployed for a few years The stories were never completed, but are still ranked with other brilliant works
Last bit of Chaucer … Wrote in iambic pentameter (a 10 syllable line of stressed and unstressed syllables) And bathed every veyne in swich licour Chaucer is remembered for his spirit and originality of characterization Chaucer’s 5 Types of Characterization oTELLING DIRECTLY WHAT THE CHARACTER IS LIKE oDESCRIBING HOW THE CHARACTER LOOKS AND DRESSES oPRESENTING THE CHARACTERS WORDS AND ACTIONS oREVEALING PRIVATE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS oSHOWING HOW OTHERS RESPOND TO THE CHARACTER
CANTERBURY TALES Characters are on a religious pilgrimage to Becket’s shrine Takes place in the Spring and starts at the Tabard Inn The characters sit around the fire and tell their tales It is a representation of every man Themes include: Hypocrisy of man; morality and values; the idea that wealth does not equate to virture
Assignment Use Chaucer’s 5 Types of Characterization to describe yourself… Include a drawn picture that represents what you are trying to say. Remember, the 5 types include: oWhat the character is like oWhat the character look or dresses like oWhat the character says oWhat the character thinks oHow other people respond to the character