Future Schools Trust Sixth Form THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2016
An introduction to the team and our vision Mr Pemberton Vice Principal with responsibility for FST Sixth Form Mr Sutton Director of CWS Sixth Form Mrs Woollett Deputy Director of CWS Sixth Form Ms McIntyre Careers Advisor Miss Smith Attendance Officer To ready our students for a changing and challenging world, whether the next step is work, an apprenticeship or university, our aim is to provide an ‘education for life’
Successes at FST Sixth Form. Our A level results placed us within the top 25% of Sixth Forms nationally. Grown from Aaron Dawson – High Level Apprenticeship in ICT Zoe Hetherington – 2 x A*, 1 x B, 1 x C Bath University (Russell Group) Sian Killington – 2 x A*s 2 x Bs Harry Gollop – Exeter University (Russell Group)
Our Expectations - Students taking responsibility for their own learning - Independent research and working outside of the classroom -Being a role model to the lower school and the wider community -Being polite and courteous at all times - Engaging with enrichment activities - Using study periods effectively -Maintaining an excellent attendance record -Conforming to Sixth Form uniform expectations -Students enjoying and succeeding in all aspects of Sixth Form life
Two year A level courses – in most subjects. The end of AS and A2 levels is nigh. Most subjects are now two year linear A- levels with terminal exams. Students must ask teachers whether the course they are studying is new or old specification. Less emphasis on coursework. Teachers can still enter students into AS exams at the end of year 12, if they feel the student is at risk of achieving an E or a U grade at the end of a two year course. If taking the AS course, a minimum of a D grade is required to continue.
Course changes in Term 1 – these really need to have been made by last week, but conversations can still be had with the Sixth Form Team this week.
Sixth Form dress code The sixth form team have always stated that sixth form students should attend school in ‘smart office wear’ and we have included the guidelines below for clarification. Male students: Suit trousers and suit jacket or blazer, shirt with tie that is visible at all times, leather shoes and the Cornwallis Sixth Form Lanyard. Trouser length (at shortest) must touch the top of the shoe. Girls: Tailored trousers, skirt or dress made from a non-stretch fabric, accompanied by a jacket or blazer, leather shoes and the Cornwallis Sixth Form Lanyard. Dresses and skirts length should sit no higher than 5cm above the knee. Trouser length (at shortest) must touch the top of the shoe. Discreet make-up can be worn. Hair styles and makeup should be appropriate for a professional, working environment. If providing your son/daughter with the correct sixth form uniform is a financial problem, please do not hesitate to contact the sixth form team.
Sixth Form enrichment Guest Speakers Road safety courses and initiatives A variety of trips & residentials Careers interviews and guidance UCAS support and guidance Charity events and rewards
English and Maths GCSE re-sits All students who do not achieve a C grade in English Language and/or Maths GCSE, must be provided with tuition post 16 and an opportunity to obtain the GCSE qualification in the Sixth Form. Re-sits will either be in November or June.
Sixth Form on two sites - transport We have a bespoke mini bus service to transport students between Sixth Form sites at NLL and Cornwallis. Bus timetables have been redesigned to ensure students do not miss lesson time on either site.
Sixth Form attendance A minimum of 95% is expected from all students. Attendance to all timetabled lessons, study periods and registration times is compulsory. Miss Smith monitors every lesson, every day. Parents will receive a text message to inform you of unauthorised absences. You will receive a phone call to discuss serial offenders. Students may be placed on report if unauthorised absences continue.
Study periods, free periods & home study We have a 25 period week Students studying 3 x subjects will have 15 x lessons; 5 x study periods and 5 x free periods Students studying 4 x subjects will have 20 x lessons; 5 x free periods and no study periods Home study is a privilege, not a right. As such, it can be revoked at any time.
Careers and guidance Sixth Form Careers Guidance Interviews; Careers Talks & Assemblies; Careers library and IT resources Ms McIntyre – available in the Sixth Form office for appointments.
Work Experience Monday 3rd July – Friday 7 th July 2017 All year 12 students will undertake work experience during the above dates Appropriate work experience can not only strengthen and add value to applications for work and higher education after leaving school, but also provide the relevant experience required for some university courses. We work with EBP Kent to administer the WEX programme, and they will work with the students to find an appropriate placement Students may also find their own placement and are strongly encouraged to do so. Self-placements can often provide the most meaningful and successful work experience
16-19 Bursary and 16+ Travel Cards These can be collected at any time from the Sixth Form team. They are also available this evening if required.
The role of the parent To work with students and staff to support and maintain: Students’ learning & progress Excellent attendance (parental phone calls required to authorise absences) Maintain communication links with teachers and the sixth form team through phone calls, s and meetings To support school initiatives
Reporting home on students’ progress Students’ reports will have a target grade for each subject generated by ALPS (based on GCSE outcomes) for the end of the course. This is known as a Minimum Expected Grade or MEG Each student will also have an Attitude to Learning score or ATL Their attendance % Their Most Likely Outcome or MLO, which is the grade teachers would expect the student to achieve if they were to sit the final exams now. This will fluctuate as coursework is completed and course content is covered. If expected progress is not being made, class teachers will be required to employ a supportive intervention strategy.
Reporting Cycle Reports will be sent electronically during terms 2, 3, 4 & 6, and they will include: MEG grades for the end of the course Most Likely Outcome - at this moment in time – what the outcome would be if the student was to sit the exam now. Mock results if applicable (terms 3 & 6) Attitude To Learning (ATL) Attendance in %
Key Dates Term 1 – Work Experience interviews and working with EBP to secure work experience placements. Self-placements acceptable. PPEs (Mocks) Terms 3 and 6 AS Exams (if applicable) Terms 5 & 6 GCSE Exams: November/June at Head of Department’s discretion Work experience Term 6 (3 rd July – 7 th July) 8 th June UCAS information evening for parents 21 st June UCAS convention Final course changes – immediately!