The features of CLIL
Split into six groups Pairs and groups of three – A, B, C, D, E, F
Aspects of CLIL A Chunking information B LOTS and HOTs: Lower Order Thinking Skills and Higher Order Thinking Skills C Critical Thinking D Scaffolding Learning E Collaborative Learning & Active Learning F Code Switching
Regroup – two groups A, B, C, D, E, F
Implications of CLIL Teachers have to adjust their methodology to ensure students can understand the content.
Implications of CLIL Teachers cannot simply ‘transmit’ the content, assuming that their students understand. They have to think of other strategies such as group work, interactive tasks etc. which increases the skill-based focus of the learning.
Implications of CLIL Teachers cannot deliver ‘ready-made meaning’; students have to construct meaning.
Implications of CLIL Students need to talk more than the teacher. They need to discuss, peer teach, draft ideas, present to each other, think-talk-respond.
Implications of CLIL Students need to recycle, revisit, revise, refresh and consolidate material and provide interactive and immediate feedback.
Implications of CLIL Educational materials – textbooks and resources have to reflect this methodology
Implications of CLIL Students are learning language that is more clearly focused on and related to the content they need to learn.
Implications of CLIL CLIL is NOT confined to higher- achieving learners. It is NOT an approach for the elite. It fits perfectly with a mixed-ability philosophy due to the collaborative nature of the methodology.
Implications of CLIL Less is more – content through a foreign language takes time.