IR Sector Town Hall Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle 24 June 2016
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle2 Welcoming our new colleagues Achievements, developments and stocktaking at six months News concerning Member States and non-Member States Communications strategy development Evaluation project CERN Alumni Programme IR Sector branding Whatever else may come to mind… The key points for today
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle3 Matthew Chalmers A warm welcome to…. Lauren Whitlatch Karolina Przerwa François Hemelsoet Rachel Bray Alexandra Feistmantle Coralie Python David Tyner Sotirios Boutas
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle4 Thank you!
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle5 Achievements
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle6 Enable CERN to promote science in our discipline and more generally, and serve society on a global level, now and for the future 1.Strengthen CERN’s position as a global centre of excellence in science and research through sustained support from all stakeholders 2.Help shape a global policy agenda that supports fundamental research, and includes science perspectives more generally 3.Connect CERN with people across the world to inspire scientific curiosity and understanding Objectives of International Relations Sector - as presented to CERN Council March 2016
Building our sector together – diverse and inclusive Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle7 Respect Transparency Inclusion Participation
Process of structuring and consolidation – where are we now? Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle8 Collective achievements over the first six months Institutionbuilding: important period of consolidation; teambuilding and planning within individual teams; organizing office space; determining work flows and processes New policy directions: strengthened dialogue with Member States with network of management liaisons; more targeted outreach on geographical enlargement New initiatives: restructuring of internal communications commenced; mandate and direction for the CERN Alumni Programme established; evaluation mapping initiated; thematic task forces formed
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle9 Stocktaking
Informal review of the Sector at six-month mark - key points from consultations Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle10 What works well now The basic structures, with the two major Groups and a series of thematic Sections and Services work, and there is no demand or need for major structural change at this stage Individual teams have consolidated, have established good working practices and function well on a daily basis Initial processes for working across Sections are beginning to generate more synergies and better joint planning Office moves have generally been welcomed (thanks, Sascha!) and have generated new synergies among some of the colleagues who are now placed closer to each other A structured budget planning process has given greater clarity and transparency for planning purposes (thanks Christoph and Laure!) Town Halls and retreat have helped to strengthen information flow and sense of direction
Informal review of the Sector at six-month mark - key points from consultations Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle11 What we want to improve Clearer decision-making procedures and procedural clarity for projects that involve input from several Sections (notably in ECO) Better links across the two Groups, with more targeted information-sharing and joint discussions Stronger link with management to ensure strategic coherence in relation to major developments, such as discoveries Important to ensure continued respect for professional competencies and valuing of ideas, regardless of where they come from
Informal review of the Sector at six-month mark - key points from consultations Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle12 What we are doing about it Instituting more regular information-sharing forums for exchanges across the two groups, on thematic issues and generally, with monthly all-Section Heads meeting Consolidating information in indico and on sharepoint sites, to be shared as far as possible across the Sector Creating a list of focal points and special responsibilities of colleagues within the Sector so it is clearer who does what Establishing procedures and guidelines where current processes are not clear or not implemented consistently, e.g. concerning approval of projects Organizing further presentations of the work of the different areas, taking the good example of S’Cool Lab As of September, regular Happy Hours to come together in more informal setting
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle13 Next Review: 1 December Completing the pilot year
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle14 Developments
MTP – dedicated budget for International Relations Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle15
Fact Sheet 19 – all you ever wanted to know about IR! 17 March 2016 Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle16
Process of structuring and consolidation – and the months ahead? Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle17 Some of the key projects going forward over the coming six months Finalizing strategic communications plan Moving forward on thematic task forces: 1) impact; 2) sustainability; 3) diversity TEDxCERN Refining teacher and student programmes: adding and refininig options Commencing re-development of website Moving forward with targeted enlargement efforts (Russia, Canada, Australia…..) Implementing Thematic Forums for Member States
Working across boundaries Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle18
Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle19 Happy Hour - 1 Sept at 17:00 Next IR Town Hall – 30 Sept at 09:30 For the diary…
That was just the beginning….!
Key immediate priorities for the IR sector - as presented to and welcomed by Council in March 17 March 2016 Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle21 Reinforce dialogue and exchange with Member States Enlargement policy: overview and future directions, as input for Council discussion Strengthen the fundamental research input and the scientific perspective more generally in global policy debates Develop communications strategy Enhance and nuance fundraising efforts through ‘CERN & Society’ and ‘Globe Foundation’ Create new Alumni Programme
Beware of beech martens…. Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle22 ….and do not confuse with weasels……..