How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The masthead includes the word 'Rock' so it will appeal to the rock fan base. The title is eroded to seem like it has been destroyed. The model is pulling an angry/aggressive face, which may represent the readers and fans of the music as angry people. He is folding his arms which seems to show a careless and relaxed nature, which also usually relates to teenagers and rock fans. My secondary images show CDs and a guitar, to reflect what might be important in this genre magazine for the target audience. They would obviously be interested in music if they purchased this magazine which heavily focuses on it. The added designs around the main image are also items of interest which give off a loud effect when they are in use. There is a man smashing a guitar to give off a chaotic feel. These styled images are sometimes used as tattoos, which again are a usual thing in fans of the rock genre.
This time in the main image I have the model smiling and seeming confident, which would either be a trait of the readers, or something they find interesting. This also shows one of their styles, leather jackets and dark clothing. The whole layout seems very serious and is focused on the news and the information rather than the looks as that is more important to the target audience.
Here there are four different pictures and poses each showing different moods, such as being happy, serious and proud. They all show different emotions that a confident lead singer/front-man would show to get an audience interested. I have used images of headphones and a guitar as they are what attracts the target audience. As they are primarily interested in the music. The colour of these is plain black as not only does it look good, but it is the most conventional colour for the rock genre. The context of the interview only showcases questions focused on live gigs and music rather than asking unnecessary questions that popstars are asked that have no relevance to music.