B URNER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM & I NTERLOCK Presented By:- Nikhil Gupta Instrument SPP-RAS
I NDEX Introduction Burner Management Objective Control Instruments in BMS Interlocks in BMS Sequence of Burner Operation
I NTRODUCTION OF BMS What is BMS:- According to National Fire Protection Association NFPA, a control system that is dedicated to boiler safety,operator assistance in the starting and stopping of fuel preparation and burning equipment and prevention of mis operation of and damage to fuel preparation and fuel burning equipment. Continoue…
The burner management system is provided for the start up of boiler on oil firing for raising the initial temperature of the boiler for the coal firing temperature. Oil feed to the boiler is taken off or removed once the solid fuel started and fed into boiler.Operation shall be performed in remote and local panel by selecting remote and local from DCS.
B URNER M ANAGEMENT O BJECTIVE Sequence burner through safe start up. Insure a complete pre purge of boiler. Supervise safety limits during operation. Supervise the flame presence during operation. Sequence a safe shutdown at the end of the cycle. Integrate with combustion control system for proper fuel and air flow.
CONTROL INSTRUMENTS IN BMS o Gear Oil Pump o Light Oil Main Trip Valve o Oil Flow Control Valve o Atomising Air On/Off Solenoid Valve o Oil On/Off Solenoid Valve o Scavange On/Off Solenoid valve o Ignitor Assembely
Control Interlocks In BMS Gear Oil Pump Start Permissive o Overload trip o LPBS stop o Remote selected o Day oil tank level > 70%
Light Oil Main Trip Valve:- LOMTV is a solenoid operated On/Off valve.The valve is open/close,when solenoid coil energize/de energize respectively. LOMTV start permissive as follows:- o Gear oil pump outlet pressure “Not Low” o No boiler trip o Boiler purge completed o Atomising air header pressure “Not Low” o LOMTV close commond is “ Not Initiated” LOMTV trip permissive as follows:- o LOMTV “ Close commond is initiated” o GOP outlet pressure is low for than “ 10 second” o Atomising air header pressure low for more than “5 second” o Oil header pressure is low for more than “5 second” o Boiler trip
Interlock for burner start up:- Burner can be started when the following permissive/conditions are satisfied. o Boiler purge completed o No boiler trip o LOMTV is open o Scavange valve is in close condition o “ Flame on” condition is not happened o “HEA” is at retracted position o Burner stop commond is not initiated.
Operation of Burner After all above conditions satsfied than press start push button,and sequence of cycle will take place to initiate burner operation. o Total burner operation cycle to start burner is 25 Second. o Atomising and oil valve open simultaneously, Oil gun with igniter assembly advances and engages the advances limit switch. o Once HEA igniter assembly reaches to advance limit,commond is given to spark for 15 Second. o Flame should be established within 10 Second, when the oil trip valve reaches to open limit. Otherwise Burner trip commond initiated. And scavangeing valve open to flush oil line for safety. o Burner will trip on expiry of 15 Second sparking time or on the expiry of 25 Second of total burner cycle time,if the flame is not proven.
Operation of Scavenge Valve:- Scavenging is done to flush out trapped oil in the leads lines to the burner there by preventing the danger during the start up of boiler. If the sequential starts to the burners fails, the atomising solenoid valve and scavange valve opens to flush out the oil from oil line for three minute. Once scavengeing completed the oil gun will be retracted. When burner are in working condition and operator intentionally push burner stop button, than oil trip valve is in close condtion and atomising and scavenge valve remain open for scavenge process.
Oil line FCV LOMTV Scavenge Valve Oil Valve Air Valve Igniter assembly