Donlynn Rice will be the lead for the AQUEST tenant of Teaching and Learning. This portion of AQUEST will include teacher and principal evaluation. There will be a State Board of Education Committee that will study the documents and feedback over the next six months. They will make recommendations to the State Board of Education in February or March NDE does not foresee the state mandating an evaluation model or an instructional model. The state will most likely require districts to use an evaluation tool with some of the components of the state framework. NDE and the ESU’s will provide districts that opt to use the state’s model ongoing training with the evaluation system after it has been adopted by the State Board of Education. The statewide training will start with Superintendents focusing on principal evaluation since that portion will probably not change. The recommendation is to start the discussion of effective teaching and best practices within the district and implement an instructional model based on the characteristics we identify as a district. EVALUATION PILOT UPDATE
EVALUATION/INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL NEXT STEPS AND TIMELINE Teach Like A Champion 2.0 o Principals, Instructional Coaches, CASs and Central Office Administration will complete a book study by the end of September. Enhancing Professional Practice DVD Training Series o Principals, Instructional Coaches, CASs and Central Office Administration will complete the training by the end of September. Beginning in October, 2015 a committee of teachers, CASs, Coaches, principals, and the Board Curriculum Committee will begin working on the process of defining and adopting an instructional model for SBPS. By February, 2016 the committee will make a recommendation for the District Evaluation instrument to the SBPS Board of Education. The evaluation tool will be submitted to the state in April and will be implemented in the school year.
New Teacher Orientation Agenda Friday, August 7 7:30-11:00 New Certified Staff Orientation w/Business BMS Cafeteria New certified staff will have their pictures taken at BMS as time permits. 11:30-12:30 Lunch on your own 12:30-1:30 New Certified Staff Student Services Central Office Meeting Room 1:30-3:30 Work in your classroom Monday, August 10 8:00-4:00 New Teacher Orientation w/ Mentors and Home Buildings Lunch with Mentors /Principal/etc. BMS Cafeteria Tuesday, August 11 8:00-11:00 New Elementary Teachers Orientation meet w Mike Mason, Instructional Coaches & BMS Cafeteria 8:00-11:00 New Middle School and High School BMS Library 8:00 – 8:45 SBPS Website Training (Melissa Price) 8:45 – 10:00 Infinite Campus Training (Justin Gipe) 10:00 – 11:00 Interactive Whiteboard Training (Dave Griess) 11:00-1:15 Rotary Lunch w/ New Country Club (bus will leave from the middle school west parking lot promptly at 11:35) 1:00-4:00 New SPED Teachers meet w/Wendy & Central Office Meeting Room 1:00-4:00 New Middle & High School Teachers Orientation meet Mike Mason, CASs & Dept. BMS Cafeteria 1:00-4:00 New Elementary BMS Library 1:00 – 1:45 SBPS Website Training (Melissa Price) 1:45 – 3:00 Infinite Campus Training (Justin Gipe) 3:00 – 4:00 Interactive Whiteboard Training (Dave Griess) Additional trainings will be provided throughout the school year. NEW TEACHER ORIENTATION