Manure Management and Environmental Quality By Jeff Lorimor, Iowa State University, Ames 32-1
Can Livestock (manure) be Environmentally Friendly?
All Species are Involved
Environmental Friendliness Water quality - Air quality - Soil Quality Three questions: 1. Are your inputs and outputs in balance? 1. Are your inputs and outputs in balance? 2. Is the location of your livestock (manure) facility in the right place? 2. Is the location of your livestock (manure) facility in the right place? 3. Do you apply your manure correctly? 3. Do you apply your manure correctly? If you answer “yes” to these questions, your manure is an environmentally friendly organic nutrient source
1. Are Inputs & Outputs In Balance? Inputs Managed Outputs Losses or Soil Storage Farm boundary
Manure Produces Good Crops
Corn Yields Using Chicken Manure Nitrogen Treatments Years Check Plot * UAN1X Manure 1X Manure 2X Kg/ha Corn from plots: c8414b9448a9138a c9131b10479a10636a c8754b10115a10058a b8079a9115a9348a b9682a10555a11377a 5-Year Average 5369c8812b9943a10112a
Manure Results in Better Water Quality
Nitrate in Tile Flow Date NO 3 -N concentration (mg/L) NO 3 -N loss (kg/ha) CheckUAN1XMN1XMN2XUAN1XMN1XMN2X 1998 Mar ---- Apr May June July yr. Avg. 8.7c20.4b17.4b33.6a26.7b15.2b33.2a
Soil Nitrates Under Manured Field Field Plots Depth cm Depth cm Check Check UAN 1X UAN 1X Manure 1X Manure 2X Before Planting May ---
A Good Nutrient Balance is Important Farm Boundary Inputs Feed Animals Irrigation Water Fertilizer Legume N Managed Outputs Meat, Milk & eggs Crops Manure Losses or Soil Storage Storage
2. Where Does Your Manure Go?...Hopefully NOT Down the River
Bad Feeding Location
Not A Good Location
Livestock Manure Is Collected Where it is Generated
Not a Good Location for Storage
A Better Place to Store Manure
3. Do you Apply Your Manure Correctly? …Good Distribution Allows you to use your Manure Efficiently
Solid Manure Uniform nutrient distribution is more difficult to achieve with solid manure than liquid
Summary Properly managed manure is not an environmental threat. If you… - Store the manure safely - Don’t let it get into the waterways - Use the nutrients efficiently Manure is a good source of plant nutrients, more environmentally friendly than purchased fertilizer
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