The New Housing Story ? Graeme Brown, Shelter Scotland Glasgow, June 22, 2016
Issues facing Britain 2015: Scotland Base: 1,256 Scottish adults 18+, January – December 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Issues Index Scotland Britain What do you see as the most/other important issues facing Britain today? Top mentions %
3 Most are satisfied with their home... Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your home?
4 Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor … there are tenure differences Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your home?
5 Which of these, if any, apply to your home? Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor Cost, location and condition all concerns
6 Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor Aspirations are not being met To what extent, if at all, do you agree or disagree with the following statements
7 ‘Generational gulf 'means it may get worse Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor 90% 69% l be harder for children of today to buy or rent a home than it was for me “It is harder for me to buy or rent a home now than it was for my parents’ generation when they were my age
8 Base: 1,028 Scottish adults 16+, 9 th -16 th November 2015 Source: Ipsos MORI Scottish Public Opinion Monitor The public understands the problem To what extent, if at all, do you agree or disagree with the following statements
Concluding thoughts… Growing salience but not electorally significant Feeling that ‘something must be done’ – and that it will get worse But confusion over who/what and what is affordable? PRS the key to improving public attitudes? Links between housing and broad social policy e.g. health and wellbeing.
Concluding thoughts… An issue for the next generation? Environmental impact Evidence that concerted pressure can work e.g. Scottish Government commitment to 50K homes and London City Mayor elections, Vancouver and Canadian PM The economic story – remember the numbers The Housing Journey – a narrative for all?