Board of Education Parenting Partners Report August 16, 2016 Josephine Fierro Lisa Kotowski 1
What is Parenting Partners? Parenting Partners is a national parent leadership and skill-building program which builds vital parent engagement. The interactive curriculum helps parents build the key parent roles in student achievement identified by Harvard Family Research Project. 2
LCAP Continue parent workshops covering various topics (Language classes, technology, community services, college, career, safety, health and nutrition, supporting literacy at home, Parenting Partners). 3
Parenting Partners Workshop Workshop 1: Positive Parenting – Success Starts at Home Valuable Parenting and Leadership Qualities Parent Roles in Student Achievement Research Demonstrating Parent Engagement Outcomes Implementing Best Practices in Parent Engagement Affirming Strengths: Creating a Vision for College Workshop 2: Creating Confident Kids Building a Positive Identity in Young People Positive Power Words– Motivating for Academic Success Parents Monitoring Technology, Bullying, Media & Peers Creating a Constellation of Support 4
Parenting Partner Workshop cont. Workshop 3: Communication That Works Powerful Listening to Build Student Confidence Untangling Mixed Signals Setting Clear Goals and Expectations Establishing Routines that Support Learning Workshop 4: Creating Structure for Achievement The Parent Trap: Arguing with our Children Establishing Conflict–Free Routines Back in Control: Ending Arguments and Setting Boundaries Parents in the Lead: Don’t Take the Bait Structure and Skills for Achievement 5
Parenting Partner Workshop cont. Workshop 5: Discipline – Practice for Success The Difference between Discipline and Punishment Consequences as Training Tools Eight Guidelines for Setting Logical Consequences Following Through Builds Character and Responsibility Workshop 6: What Children and Teens Need to Succeed Parenting Styles: Effective Structure and Support Results of the Engaged Family System Parent Roles in Family-School Partnerships Multiplying Family Engagement 6
Parenting Partners Workshop cont. Workshop 7: Parents Engaging for Academic Success Success in School Starts at Home Top Study Skills On Track for Higher Education The Parent / Teacher Connection Every Parent Can Build Reading Power Parent Pledge for Academic Success Workshop 8: Graduation Parents are recognized with a graduation certificate 7
Participating Schools Beckman Clairmont Needham Lawrence Parklane Sutherland Wagner-Holt Westwood 8
Site Pre and Post Parent Survey Results Beckman Parents are reading together had an increase of about 1 hour per week. Parents are now more connected to other parents at their children’s school as a result of parenting partners. Children are now more on time to class. 50% of parents are now conversing with their children about what they are learning in school. 50% of parents are now using consequences when their children misbehave. Clairmont Children are now following instructions well as a result of parenting partners. 67% of the children are now regularly doing their assigned homework. 62% of parents are now conversing with their children about what they are learning in school. 50% of Parents feel more confident about disciplining their children. 9
Site Pre and Post Parent Survey Results cont. Needham Parents are reading together had an increase of about 1.50 hours per week. Parents are now more engaged in volunteering at the school site (Classroom, PTA, and Parent Advisory). Shows children are now more on time to their classrooms. Parents are now giving their children clear instructions that they can follow. Shows 88% of the parents are now having dinner together at least 5 or more times a week. Lawrence Parents are reading together had an increase of about 2 hours per week. Shows 50% of parents say supportive & nurturing things to their children on a daily basis. Shows that parents are now hearing their children’s feelings. Shows 100% of the parents are now having dinner together at least 5 or more times a week. 10
Site Pre and Post Parent Survey Results cont. Parklane Parents are reading together had an increase of about 1.30 hour per week. 62% of Parents are now more engaged in volunteering at the school site (Classroom, PTA, and Parent Advisory) 62% of parents say supportive and nurturing things to their children on a daily basis. Parents now have specific tools and strategies to help their children develop a positive view on their values and self-esteem. 87% of Parents are now having dinner together at least 5 or more times a week. Studies show this decreases the children getting involved in drugs or other bad habits at an early age. Sutherland Parents are now more connected to other parents at their children’s school as a result of parenting partners. Children are now more on time to their classrooms. 100% of parents say supportive & nurturing things to their children on a daily basis. 100% of the parents are having dinner together at least 5 or more times a week. Studies show this decreases the children from getting involved in drugs or other bad habits at an early age. 11
Site Pre and Post Parent Survey Results cont. Wagner Holt Parents are reading together had an increase of about 2 hours per week. 100% of the parents are now conversing with their children about what they are learning in school. 100% of parents say supportive & nurturing things to their children on a daily basis. Parents now have specific tools and strategies to help their children develop a positive view on their values and self-esteem. 67% of the parents are now more engaged in conversation with their children in regards to their future college and career goals. Westwood Spring training was held Insufficient participate to generate survey data 12
District Parent Survey Data #11. My child(ren) regularly do their assigned homework/studying. 13
District Parent Survey Data #14. I check my child(ren)'s homework after they complete it. 14
District Parent Survey Data 18. I have specific tools and strategies to help my child(ren) develop a positive view of their value and self-esteem. 15
2016 – 2017 Activities Cohort 1 Sites August 9 Kickoff September 2016 Fall Parent Training January 2017 Spring Parent Training May 2, 2017 (tentative) End-of-Year Celebration Cohort 2 Sites November 29/30 Facilitator Training January 2017 Spring Parent Training May 2, 2017 (tentative) End-of-Year Celebration 16
Questions 17