Are you eco-friendly ? created by the 3eme Euro-Anglais Made by S. Cotten
1. How do you go to school / to work ? By bus By car By walk
2. Do you eat fruits and vegetables in season ? Yes, always No, never Sometimes
3. How many times does your shower last ? As long as you want 5 minutes 15 minutes
4. If you eat crisps in the street, what do you do with the packaging ? You throw it away in a bin You throw it away in the street You keep it in your pocket and you forget it
5. Do you turn off the lights or the fans when you leave a room ? No, I always forget Yes, always Sometimes
6. What do you use when you go to the supermarket ? Plastic bag Paper bag Recyclable bag
7. At home, if you don’t finish your meal, what do you do ? You keep it for tomorrow You give it to your pet You throw it away in the bin
8. What type of car do you use ? A gasoil car A hybrid car An electric car
9. According to you, what can we do to protect the endangered lemurs ? Explain people why we should stop killing them Create natural parks to preserve their habitat There’s nothing to do, it’s too late
10. Do you feel concerned by climate change ? Yes, of course, it concerns everybody No, it’s not my problem Yes, I’m trying to make efforts
End of the quiz Results to follow …
If you have a majority of : You don’t care about the Earth, you don’t care about the future. It’s so shameful ! You have to change your daily life because it’s the 11th hour !
If you have a majority of : Great ! You’re not to bad but you can do better. You have to make some efforts. You’re almost green and if you have a better lifestyle, you could be a very good ecologist.
If you have a majority of : Whaou !!! If all people were like you, the planet would survive. You’re careful and are worried about the planet. You should be an example for all of us.