Restructuring Roundtable June 12, 2009 Dave Boguslawski Vice President – Transmission Strategy & Operations Northeast Utilities
2 Federal Legislative Focus Address climate change Reduce dependence on foreign oil Stimulate economic recovery in the near term Invest in key infrastructure for the future FEDERAL PRIORITIES FEDERAL ACTIONS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Bill) Proposed Bills (Reid, Bingaman, Waxman/Markey) Federal Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Transmission A possible “sea change” in the works involving: Transmission Planning Transmission Siting Transmission Cost-Allocation
3 PLANNING: Two New Approaches Being Considered TOP-DOWN: A single planning authority develops plans for each Interconnection 1 BOTTOM-UP: The regions work collaboratively, starting with their regional plans, to develop a Super-Region Plan or a “National” Plan 2
4 SITING: All Proposals would create a Larger Federal Role Federal siting for all high voltage lines Federal siting transmission for renewable energy Strengthen current federal backstop siting authority
5 COST-ALLOCATION: Proposals would Spread Cost over Broad Areas Areas defined by FERC either by a predetermined approach or on a project-specific basis An interconnection-wide tax, and A national transmission tax,
6 CONCLUSION: Common Interests, Coordinated Actions New England States Have Common Interests Success Requires Coordinated Actions Show that we can develop regional solutions that align with national energy policy. Build on the New England Governors' Conference proposal for connecting renewable resources. Demonstrate that we promptly complete planned projects. Seek federal funding and other incentives to help renewable project economics. Keep the costs to the customer in mind by doing the best projects first. Promote regional planning Maintain state siting authority Develop regional renewable generation in a cost-effective manner Meet state RPS targets and RGGI requirements Minimize national subsidies to other regions
7 North-South Interface Over 80% of New England’s Load is South of the North-South Interface N H H H Quebec Hydro Quebec plans to develop a portfolio of hydroelectric projects totaling 4,500 MW and integrate 4,000 MW of planned wind power by Newfoundland & Labrador Exploring development of large Hydro facilities New Brunswick Exploring development of 1 or 2 nuclear units Eastern Canadian Development H N W Hydro Nuclear Wind B Biomass General Movement Of Power H W W W B W W H H H Major Transmission System Additions Are Required to Import Power From Northern New England & Canadian Low Carbon Resources
8 Accessing Canadian Resources: Partnership With NSTAR, H-Q Announced in December > Signed Memoranda of Understanding with NSTAR, Hydro Quebec in 2008 to develop project on an exclusive basis ›1200+ MW HVDC line between HQ’s hydroelectric system and New Hampshire ›Power purchase agreement to supply low-carbon energy to New England load > FERC issued declaratory order on May 22 endorsing concept of joint PPA/transmission arrangement ›HVDC line would be participant-funded ›US portion of HVDC line would be owned by NU and NSTAR > Anticipate filing PPA terms with State regulators in 2009 ›Intend to offer PPA broadly to New England load through an open process