Northwest Wind Integration Forum Technical Work Group PSE Wind Activities Joe Hoerner October 29, 2009
PSE Wind Assets Wild Horse 229 MW 44 MW Expansion PSE BA Hopkins Ridge 157 MW BPA BA PSE BA mid 2010 Klondike III 50 MW PPA BPA BA Lower Snake River Development 1,432 MW Potential BPA BA WASHINGTON OREGON MONTANA Power Type Legend Hydro Thermal Gas Storage Wind
How Much More Renewable Energy? 2009 IRP indicates justification exists to develop wind before it’s needed for RPS requirements Nameplate Capacity Wind Biomass002040
Wind Integration Issues Primarily Operational Issues Managing intra-hour variability DSO 216 Is wind firm or non-firm from the BPA BA? BPA Persistent Deviation
What’s Working, What’s Not? Things that are working Regional commitment and ongoing dialogue to help integrate variable generation Joint Initiative – DSS, I-TAP, Intra-hour scheduling business practices BPA Initiatives and Pilot Programs – Dynamic transfer limits, Sub-hourly scheduling, Customer supplied reserves What needs more work? All of the above – great first step, but need to see continuous improvement Intra-hour products and services Wind forecasting