Adults working in Year One Mrs Lucy Grabham (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning) Mrs Louise King (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday) Mrs Jane Fussell.


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Presentation transcript:

Adults working in Year One Mrs Lucy Grabham (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning) Mrs Louise King (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday) Mrs Jane Fussell (Every morning) Mrs Fiona White (Mondays and every afternoon) Mrs Claire Adams (Wednesday and Friday afternoons) Mrs Gill Pedrick (Tuesday and Thursday afternoons) Mrs Sue Pearce (Wednesday second session PPA cover) Mrs Joyce Dalton (Tuesday and Thursday morning – volunteer)

PE Tuesdays and Wednesday (Weds with Mrs Pearce) Please keep kit in school at all times Clothing: easy to change out of Might be extra sessions

Uniform Please label (and book bags) Forest School kit – wellies, waterproofs, warm coat No nail polish Hair tied back

Curriculum As Year 1 progresses children will have more structured learning time and less ‘choosing’ time. National Curriculum Phonics check Topics

Reading Expectations Use phonics to decode Read words with apostrophes – it’s, I’ll etc Discuss poems, stories and non-fiction Familiar with traditional tales Use expression Inference Differences between fiction, non-fiction and poetry

Writing Expectations Name letters of the alphabet Forming a sentence using full stops and capitals Capitals for names, places, ‘I’, days of the week Question marks and explanation marks Spaces between words Forming letters and digits correctly

Maths Expectations Count to 100 – forwards and backwards Count in 2s, 5s, 10s 1 more and less Number bonds to ten Solve problems – add, subtract, multiple, divide Recognise halves and quarters of shapes, quantities and numbers Tell the time to the hour and half past Solve problems using length, weight Money – recognising and using coins


Contact Us Playground /phone school office

Gems I will make Ruby power by being friendly, encouraging and helpful to everyone and using my smiles and kind words I will make Emerald power by being courageous and ‘having a go’; sticking at something and being calm even when it gets tough. I will make Diamond power by being responsible for myself and solving problems. I will make Sapphire power by concentrating and resisting monster distractions. I will make Amethyst power by cooperating with other people. I will make Topaz power by collaborating, taking turns, and valuing others ideas.

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Contact details Please keep details up-to-date Medical information Photograph consent

Assessment Phonics check Three times a year 2 Simple

Home Learning Spelling/Maths sheet weekly Daily reading – 2 books Learning Detectives

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Going Home Teacher needs to see you and release the child Give permission if someone else collecting