3-1 Chapter 3 Discussion: The Business System Paul L. Schumann, Ph.D. © 2004 by Paul L. Schumann. All rights reserved.
3-2 Ideologies What is meant by ideology? How does a person’s ideology affect his or her behavior? Examples? What is an individualistic ideology? What is a communitarian ideology?
3-3 Socioeconomic Systems What is a command system? In what ways are businesses examples of command systems? What is a market system? What are the 2 key components of a market system?
3-4 John Locke: Free Markets & Rights According to Locke, what are the 2 natural rights? What’s Locke’s argument for the existence of the 2 natural rights? Why did humans invent the institution called government? What is the proper role of government?What is the proper role of government? What should government not do?What should government not do? How can Locke’s ideas be used to argue in favor of a free market system?
3-5 John Locke: Free Markets & Rights How have Locke’s ideas influenced the United States? What are the 4 major criticisms of Locke’s defense of free markets? Considering the advocates and critics of Locke, under what circumstances is government regulation of business justified?
3-6 Adam Smith: Utility of Free Markets What is the utilitarian argument from Smith in favor of the free market system? What is the proper role of government? Can government allocate resources as efficiently as the free market? Why? What are the 4 major criticisms (except for the Keynesian criticism) of Smith’s defense of free markets?
3-7 Adam Smith: Utility of Free Markets What is the Keynesian criticism of Smith’s defense of free markets? According to the Keynesian criticism, what is the proper role of government? Why? What did Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists argue? What are the criticisms of Social Darwinism? Considering the advocates and critics of Smith, under what circumstances is government regulation of business justified?
3-8 Marxist Criticisms What did Karl Marx witness that influenced his thinking about free market capitalism? According to Marx, what are the 2 sources of income in a capitalist system? Why do workers have to sell their labor in order to earn a wage? What is the source of the business owner’s profits? How does Marx see this as exploitation of the workers?How does Marx see this as exploitation of the workers?
3-9 Marxist Criticisms How does Marx believe that humans should live? According to Marx, what are the 4 forms of alienation that are produced by capitalism? According to Marx, what is the basis of the inequities produced by capitalism?
3-10 Marxist Criticisms In Marx’s theory, what is meant by the economic substructure? What is meant by the forces of production? What is meant by the relations of production? What are the 2 main types of relations of production?What are the 2 main types of relations of production? –How did this work in feudal societies? –How does this work in capitalist societies? –How do the relations of production create social classes? In Marx’s theory, what is meant by the social superstructure?
3-11 Marxist Criticisms According to Marx, what is the actual function of government? According to Marx, what are the 2 basic features of capitalism How do these features harm the working class (the proletariat)? How do the defenders of free market capitalism respond to the Marxist criticisms?
3-12 The Mixed Economy What is meant by a mixed economy? Considering Locke, Smith, the critics of Locke and Smith, Marx, and the critics of Marx, what is the proper role of government in a capitalist system? Under what conditions is government regulation of business justified?
3-13 Property & New Technologies What is meant by intellectual property? What are some examples of intellectual property? How is intellectual property different from physical property? What are the arguments in favor of treating intellectual property the same as any private property? What are the arguments in favor of the collective (or common) ownership of intellectual property?
3-14 Property & New Technologies What is the property system for intellectual property in the United States? What is a copyright? What is a patent?
3-15 Case: Napsters’ Revolution How would the modern-day, hardcore advocate of the ideas of John Locke analyze peer-to-peer systems (such as Napster, Gnutella, and Kazaa)? How would the modern-day, hardcore advocate of the ideas of Adam Smith analyze peer-to-peer systems? How would the modern-day, hardcore advocate of the ideas of Karl Marx analyze peer-to-peer systems?