Chapter 26 Ecosystems
Section 1- How Ecosystems Change Succession The normal, gradual changes that occur in the types of species that live in an area. Primary succession The process of succession that begins in a place previously WITHOUT plants. Pioneer species The first to inhabit an area. Ex. Lichens Deciduous trees are not pioneer species. Secondary Succession A pasture that gradually returns to its forested state. Likely areas for secondary succession would be: Flooded land, abandoned logging areas, the land after a forest fire.
Biomes Biomes- large geographic areas that have similar climates and ecosystems.
Tundra Cold, dry, treeless biomes in far north Populated by caribou, reindeer, snowy owls, geese Latitudes just south of the north pole.
Taiga Dominant plants are cone-bearing evergreen trees. Populated by moose, bears, lynx, shrews, foxes. Found in Canada, northern Europe, and Asia.
Temperate Deciduous Forest Usually have 4 distinct seasons. Dominant plants loose their leaves every autumn New England States
Temperate Rain Forest Dominant plants are firs, spruces, and cedars that grow very high. Populated by black bear, cougar, bobcat, and endangered northern spotted owl. Pacific Northwest.
Tropical Rain Forest Consists of forest floor, understory, canopy, and emergents. Has greatest variety of organisms on Earth. Located near the equator.
Desert Populated by cacti and kangaroo rats Northern Africa Southwestern States
Grassland Dominant plants and grasses Perfect for growing crops and raising cattle and sheep Have the same latitudes as deciduous forests, but receive less precipitation Plains of North America Savannas of Africa
Rainfall Temperature & Precipitation are the two most important climatic factors that affect life in an area. Desert- Lowest <25cm per year Grassland cm per year Taiga cm per year Temperate Deciduous forest cm Tropical Rain forest- Highest- at least cm.
Section 3- Aquatic Ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems include Lakes Ponds Swamps An estuary is not a freshwater ecosystem because it contains freshwater and saltwater.