SOTL Curriculum Night 5th Grade Mrs. Wilkin
Parent Expectations assist your child in studying review graded work provide support & encouragement see that homework is completed; sign the planner check Fast Direct bulletin boards at least once a week; no need to even log into account; note the date change when updated encourage reading notify the school when your child will be absent support your teachers and contact them with concerns and questions attend Church and Sunday school regularly complete Church attendance weekly in the SOTL folder. make prayer and devotions a part of your daily schedule
Memory fill in the blank written quiz every Thursday studying done outside of class English Standard Version (ESV) is used to correspond with our Religion curriculum see schedule for the year only one hard copy is provided, but it’s posted on my Fast Direct bulletin board if needed at any time
Spelling Test given only on Friday, unless otherwise indicated Challenge Words are worth one extra credit point Part of the ELA curriculum see schedule for the year only one hard copy is provided, but it’s posted on my Fast Direct bulletin board if needed at any time
Homework recorded by students in planner children are responsible for gathering all necessary items needed to complete homework must be completed by due date (the following day, unless specified otherwise) I try to avoid homework on weekends refer to signed homework policy for more details
Notice of Concern(pink slips) students receive when an assignment is not completed taken home in the student’s SOTL folder to be signed by the parent holds children more accountable and keeps parents informed grade is lowered by 5% each day
Grades percentages and/or letter grades recorded on papers, but only letter grades will appear on report cards utilize Fast Direct to monitor your child’s academic performance; grades usually updated once a week majority of graded papers sent home on Fridays in SOTL folder record Church & Sunday School attendance on back graded tests sent home as soon as possible
Accelerated Reader Based on individual quarterly goals Teacher & student will meet at least quarterly Track progress on punch cards Medals based on total percentage for the year
New Math Curriculum Not Common Core Allows for more differentiated instruction Target specific areas of reinforcement for students Limited homework based on student need; in a variety of forms Technology & vocabulary integration Think Central Teacher and students are learning: will likely be some growing pains
Disipline Clips used in all classes Whole class 85% of class stays on Ready to Learn, Good Day, Great Day, or Outstanding (11 of 13 students), select a letter and place on reward choices Individual Punch Card Stay on Ready to Learn, Good Day, Great Day, or Outstanding, punch received Card filled, reward earned
Snacks & Lunch only one snack make it healthy a water bottle is allowed, but must remain at water stations; please have their names on bottles and periodically check for leakage spoons, forks, plates, napkins, etc. that are needed must be provided by parents microwavable meals no longer than 3 min.
Birthdays all children are welcome, but not obligated, to bring in a birthday treat to share with the class Please inform me of any allergies provide any forks, spoons, plates, etc. needed for the treat; if needed, please pre-cut the treats summer birthdays can be celebrated at the beginning or end of the year, or on a “half birthday”
Field Trips Abrams Planetarium @ MSU Wednesday, October 5th (12:15 – 3:30 approx.) The Historic First Congregational Church & Historic Trinity Lutheran Church in Detroit Wednesday, February 1st (all day) Greenfield Village Wednesday, May 24th (all day)
Sign Up Most activities and volunteer/ service opportunities will be on the SOTL SignUp Genius located on Mrs. VanDeven’s Bulletin Board Parent/Teacher conferences A FD email will be sent out when these are live Classroom parties/celebrations Christmas & Valentines Day – found on SignUp Genius as mentioned above
But wait, there’s more… Remember: No extended care after school on Special Person’s Day (Friday, 10/14) Parent help for making copies, etc. – see SignUp Genius Theme: Let Me Count the Ways The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness Lamentations 3: 22 -23