Parents Meeting to discuss Ofsted Report


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Presentation transcript:

Parents Meeting to discuss Ofsted Report Monday 20th January 2014 7.30 – 9.00 p.m.

About the Ofsted Inspection Framework Statutory requirement Regular changes to the framework and increased expectations for all schools 4 key judgements which contribute to the 5th overall effectiveness judgement Effectively 5 levels of grading Detailed criteria for each judgement Key starting point is the pupil outcomes data as measured at the end of Y1, Y2 and Y6, over time

The Ofsted Outcomes for the Academy Achievement of pupils – 3 Quality of teaching – 3 Behaviour and safety of pupils – 2 Leadership and Management – 2 Also consider SMSC + extent to which school meets the needs of the range of pupils including those with SEND Overall effectiveness - 3

Achievement Judgement Ofsted criteria and key issues: Evaluate attainment and progress of pupils/groups Must be good across all criteria for ‘good’ otherwise judged to RI Pupils not making consistently good progress especially in maths FSM and Pupil Premium Our commentary: Lots of +vs at WOT BUT Progress is judged from end of Y2 – Y6 wherever pupils arrive at WOT Expected 2 levels progress (88% vs 89% in maths) High KS1 outcomes…affects the mean measures Gap between FSM and other pupils (using a mean as a measure)

Achievement judgement Our commentary: Overall attainment and progress of HA pupils as measured by Lv 3 in Y2 and Lv5 and Lv6 in KS2 good even in maths Looking at homework expectations and activities Did run lunchtime maths clubs last year but good idea to do this again Maths games/activities with parents and children together Your questions: Level of challenge, especially for more able? Consistency re expectations for homework? Nature and challenge of homework activities? Your suggestions Maths club Ways to secure parental support/involvement such as there is for reading

Quality of Teaching Judgement Our commentary: Some v short observations Use of pupil premium funding Again lots of +ves BUT Consistency across all teachers, 10 subjects, all year groups and pupils of all needs Evidence of rapid improvement Need for high expectations at all times Key focus on reading and writing + core learning skills last year + consistency of marking and feedback …maths key focus for this year Ofsted criteria and key issues: directly linked to achievement of pupil groups, across subjects, yr groups & over time = concern re KS2 progress Probing questioning Level of challenge in every lesson for every pupil Number work/problem solving + context for maths in other subjects

Quality of teaching judgement Our commentary: Professional development Sharing best practice…inspiration & celebration Regular monitoring in different ways Performance management Differentiation & challenge School development plan = action plan Your questions: Measures to ensure good or better teaching/reverse changes in quality? Mixed ability teaching, why? Impact? Extension/challenge…….how is this monitored? Next steps and time frames?

Behaviour and Safety Judgement Ofsted criteria and key issues: Challenge of what’s included in this! Pupil attitudes to learning as well as behaviour, bullying and safety Lots of talking to & observing pupils Pupils enjoy learning SMSC + respect Vulnerable pupils well cared for Attendance %s Our commentary: Continue to work on developing pupils’ independence and learning attitudes + skills inspiring lessons and curriculum Playground Behaviour and bullying

Behaviour and Safety judgement Your questions: Concern that difficult children take teacher’s time away from other pupils. How is this being addressed? Our commentary: Clear expectations and policies which are consistently enforced = fair Children and parents listened to Skill of staff and correct staffing levels

Leadership and Management Judgement Ofsted criteria and key issues: Leadership at all levels evaluated Key indicator for capacity to improve Clear about what was and is needed Impact clear already Accurate views…& analysis of information & data Equal opportunities…pursued Governance… Our commentary: Pleased that leadership recognised as a strength High expectations for all recognised Team work No new issues identified as a concern Appropriate support and systems in place

Leadership and Management judgement Your questions: What difficult decisions made by Governors? How has it gone from grade 1 to 3 since 2007? Academy conversion/new build = distractions? Specific measures to ensure teaching at KS2 is improved? Back to outstanding? Our commentary: Confidentiality issues but staffing stability, structure/responsibilities and skills critical Changes in national expectations… Size of school 347 to 420? Governance skills and structures also significant Re-inspected in 12-24 months Team = whole school community

Other issues/comments raised by parents/carers Progress updates to parents (whole school + directly from teachers to parents re pupils)? What can we do to help/support the school in their journey? Lots of support from parents who recognise many +ves in the report and/or comment on their child’s or their own happiness and satisfaction with the Academy